MetaX v2 Litepaper (Draft Version)

22 min readMar 20, 2024


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MetaX is a decentralized advertising protocol designed for the Web3 community, aiming to achieve precise token distribution through an automated model, including fungible tokens, non-fungible tokens, and whitelists.
Unlike traditional Web2 advertising services, MetaX’s decentralized advertising service relies on smart contracts for non-custodial operations. Ad settings, token distribution, and fee settlement are all implemented on the blockchain.
MetaX’s smart contracts operate on the blockchain based on the Proof of Social Work (POSW) consensus algorithm. The POSW algorithm is governed and maintained by the MetaX DAO, which consists of the MetaX community and ecosystem communities.

1. Introduction
MetaX is a decentralized advertising platform that leverages smart contracts to achieve automated and efficient token distribution.
Through the POSW consensus algorithm, the social value of users, Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs), communities, and advertisers is quantified and recorded on the blockchain, forming a quantifiable on-chain social relationship network.
Based on POSW, more decentralized advertising applications help facilitate precise token distribution between projects and users, reducing the inefficiency caused by blind token distribution in tokenomics.
Additionally, MetaX is an open ecosystem where all communities, projects, developers, and social platforms can freely join or use decentralized advertising facilities under the premise of following MetaX tokenomics.

2. Consensus
The decentralized advertising protocol of MetaX relies on the Proof of Social Work (POSW) consensus algorithm for on-chain computation, enabling the quantification and identification of user social value.

2.1 Proof of Social Work
Proof of Social Work quantifies the social value of users, including ordinary users, Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs), communities, and advertisers, and records it on-chain. Currently, it supports platforms such as Twitter/X and Discord, with Telegram support coming soon.
Users only need to initialize their accounts in the MetaX Dapp (bind their wallet with their social accounts) and continue their daily social activities or participate in specific social advertising tasks to automatically accumulate POSW scores.
The POSW score of a user is not only bound to their wallet account but also to the communities where their social activities occur. This forms an intertwined on-chain quantifiable social relationship network.
The POSW algorithm follows an open system design. This means that all communities can freely participate in the POSW algorithm statistics, and users’ social activities across all ecosystem communities are fairly quantified into POSW scores.
The POSW algorithm protocol is EVM compatible. Users can record their POSW scores on all EVM-compatible chains, and all EVM-compatible chains can also call POSW for precise token distribution.

2.2 Data Value
In the traditional Web2 social world, each social platform operates as a data silo, and users/communities do not own their social data. The significance of POSW lies in breaking the social data silos and allowing users/communities to truly own their social data and the value it may generate.
POSW is a dynamic measurement method, with statistics verified and recorded on-chain once every epoch (every week). POSW is also a multi-dimensional social data, independently pointing to different social platforms and communities with different attributes.
Ultimately, the MetaX ecosystem establishes a quantifiable on-chain social relationship network. Any third party can use POSW data for efficient token distribution, respecting the tokenomics of MetaX.

2.3 Algorithms
POSW is a multi-dimensional on-chain scoring standard governed and maintained by the MetaX community.

2.3.1 Source Data
The source data of POSW comes from users/communities’ original social data on various social platforms. Currently supported platforms include Twitter/X and Discord, with Telegram support coming soon.
① Twitter/X => Behaviors such as tweets, retweets, likes, comments, and bookmarks.
② Discord => Behaviors such as messages and Ask Me Anything (AMA) sessions.
③ Telegram => Behaviors such as messages and operations in groups.

2.3.2 Calculation Criteria
The POSW of users/communities is calculated from two dimensions: quantity and quality, including assessments in three dimensions: [Basic], [Intermediate], and [Advanced]:
① Basic => Simple calculation of the quantity of users/communities’ social behaviors, omitting obvious bot behaviors, providing rough on-chain social data.
② Intermediate => Preliminary semantic algorithmic judgments on users/communities’ social behavior data, distinguishing content quality and categorizing content types, providing more detailed on-chain social data.
③ Advanced => Application of GPT language models for deep learning on users/communities’ social behavior data, providing on-chain social data with rational and emotional judgments.

2.3.3 Privacy Concerns
MetaX respects the social privacy rights of all users/communities. Therefore, the collection of social behavior data requires the consent of users/communities and only collects social behavior data that occurs in “public places,” such as Twitter/X threads and Discord multi-user chat channels.
Users/communities can stop MetaX’s authorization to collect their social behavior data at any time, and accordingly, the calculation of their POSW will stop.

3. Decentralized Advertising
Based on the quantifiable on-chain social network formed by POSW, advertisers can efficiently distribute tokens to target users/communities according to their needs. Both mass adoption and precision airdrops can be achieved.
① Mass Adoption: Advertisers can send ERC20 tokens to the MetaX decentralized advertising reward pool. Users/communities can receive rewards based on the proportion of their total POSW generated within each epoch.
② Precision Airdrops: Advertisers can choose suitable users/communities and conduct precise token airdrops based on their POSW scores.

4. Tokenomics
MetaX’s governance token is $X, primarily designed to support the operation of decentralized advertising and incentivize ecosystem participants, including ordinary users, KOLs, communities, and advertisers.
The total supply of $X is 100 million tokens, which will be distributed among ordinary users, KOLs, communities, advertisers, investors, and the team. The POSW of users/communities will be an important criterion for receiving $X airdrops.
Specific distribution rules will be announced in the future.

5. Income Model
[Advertisers] using MetaX’s decentralized advertising protocol need to pay advertising fees to the MetaX DAO. They can pay advertising fees in USDT, ETH, and $X once it is listed.
Advertising revenue will be received by the DAO fund’s smart contract, where 80% will be owned by the community and distributed by the DAO, while the remaining 20% will be allocated to MetaX team for operational, development, and marketing expenses.

6. Governance
The development of the MetaX decentralized advertising protocol is governed by the MetaX DAO.
50% of the voting power is determined by the POSW of users/communities, while the remaining 50% is determined by the $X held by users. Note: Before $X is officially launched, 100% of the voting power is determined by the POSW of users/communities.

7. Eco-System
MetaX aims to create an open ecosystem, including:
① [Community]/[KOL] that integrate with the POSW protocol and continuously provide social data.
② [Advertisers] who use POSW on-chain data for efficient token distribution.
③ [Developers] who help optimize the POSW protocol and develop applications based on the POSW protocol.
We look forward to POSW becoming one of the foundational protocols for Web3 social interactions through collaborative governance from all parties involved.

MetaX v2 Litepaper

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MetaXのスマートコントラクトは、「Proof of Social Work」(以下「POSW」)と呼ばれるコンセンサスアルゴリズムに基づいてブロックチェーン上での計算を実現しています。POSWアルゴリズムは、MetaXコミュニティおよびエコシステムコミュニティが構築したMetaX DAOによって共同で管理およびメンテナンスされています。

1. 紹介


2. 共通認識

2.1 Proof of Social Work

[Proof of Social Work]は、[ユーザー](一般ユーザー、[KOL]、[コミュニティ]、[広告主]を含む)のソーシャルバリューを定量化し、そしてオンチェーンに記録する共通アルゴリズムです。現在はTwitter/XとDiscordプラットフォームをサポートしており、近々Telegramプラットフォームのサポートも予定しています。
ユーザーはMetaX Dappでアカウントを初期化(ウォレットとソーシャルアカウントをリンクする)し、日常のソーシャルアクティビティや特定のソーシャル広告タスクに参加するだけで、自動的にPOSWスコアを蓄積することができます。

2.2 データ価値


2.3 アルゴリズム


2.3.1 データ元

① Twitter/X => ツイート、リツイート、いいね、コメント、いいねなどの行動データ。
② Discord => 発言、AMAなどの行動データ。
③ Telegram => 発言、運営グループなどの行動データ。

2.3.2 計算基準
① 基本 => ユーザー/コミュニティのソーシャルアクションの数量を単純計算し、明らかなボット行動を除外し、大まかに判断できるチェーン上のソーシャルデータを提供します。
② 中級 => ユーザー/コミュニティのソーシャルアクションデータに対して初歩的な意味論的アルゴリズムを適用し、内容の質とカテゴリーを区別し、より精密なチェーン上のソーシャルデータを提供します。
③ 上級 => GPT言語モデルを適用してユーザー/コミュニティのソーシャルアクションデータに深層学習を行い、理性的および感性的判断を含むチェーン上のソーシャルデータを提供します。

2.3.3 プライバシーに関して


3. 分散型広告


① 大規模導入 => [広告主]はERC20トークンをMetaX分散型広告報酬プールに送り、ユーザー/コミュニティは各エポック期間内に自分が生成したPOSWの総量の割合に基づいて報酬を受け取ることができます。

② 精緻なエアドロップ => [広告主]は適切なユーザー/コミュニティを選択し、そのPOSWスコアに基づいて精密なトークンエアドロップを行うことができます。

4. トークンノミックス

5. 収入モデル

[広告主]がMetaXの分散型広告プロトコルを使用する際には、MetaX DAOに広告料金を支払う必要があり、USDT、ETH、およびローンチ後の$Xでの支払いが受け入れられます。

6. ガバナンス

MetaX分散型広告プロトコルの開発は、MetaX DAOによってガバナンスされます。

7. エコシステム

① POSWプロトコルに接続し、継続的にソーシャルデータを提供する[コミュニティ]/[KOL]。
② POSWのオンチェーンデータを利用して効率的なトークン配布を行う[広告主]。
③ POSWプロトコルの最適化およびPOSWプロトコルに基づくアプリケーション開発を支援する[開発者]。




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