Metadium plans for the future

Published in
4 min readFeb 11, 2020

Dear Metadium Community,

In the last post, we looked at the business results of Metadium in 2019, now we would like to introduce you the roadmap and key activity goals we have for the first half of 2020.

This year we’ll focus on creating demand for META coin and new use cases for Metadium blockchain and DID technologies. Metadium also plans to continue its active DID standardization activities in order to impact the DID (Decentralized Identifier) industry.

Main goals of Metadium in 2020

- Construction of a DID ecosystem and practical use cases for DID and blockchain technology

  • Launch THEPOL (new domestic service)
  • KAYBO KEEPIN (new overseas service)
  • Regulatory sandbox approval
  • Metadium SDK for Unity official launch
  • Launch MyKeepin app (DIDaaS)

- DID Standardization

  • Integrate the DID international standards recommended by DIF and W3C
  • ETRI joint project: Development of Interoperable Decentralized ID Platform

Let’s take a detailed look:

Construction of a DID ecosystem and practical use cases for DID and blockchain technology

  1. Launch THEPOL (new domestic service)

THEPOL is an online voting, research, and petition service using Metadium’s blockchain and DID. All voting processes are recorded on the Metadium blockchain, enabling transparent opinion polls and petition campaigns. DID technology also ensures anonymity of survey participants and one-person voting. THEPOL uses DID technology to store all of your identification information, so you don’t have to worry about leaking your personal data.


KAYBO KEEPIN is a Metadium DID-based app that provides personal authentication and digital wallets to KAYBO users in Latin America.

KAYBO is a game publishing platform operated by FHL Games that provides major game services such as Battleground(PUBG) and Point Blank to its 20 million users in Latin America.

KAYBO KEEPIN is the result of Coinplug and FHL Games partnership and it’s being developed according to the W3C DID standard.

3. Regulatory sandbox approval

Coinplug, Metadium’s technological partner, is planning a regulatory sandbox for ‘Construction of youth age identification systems’ using the Metadium DID. To demonstrate the advantages and potential of DID technology, we are creating various certification business test cases where Metadium is used.

4. Metadium SDK for Unity

Metadium team is planning an official launch by upgrading Metadium SDK for Unity alpha version. Unity is the world’s largest game engine and game developer community, with this launch game developers can integrate Metadium SDK for Unity to easily apply DID solutions to their games. We are planning to unveil Metadium SDK for Unity in Unity Asset Store.

5. MyKeepin

MyKeepin is a DID network led by Coinplug, a technological partner of Metadium. Companies and institutions that need DID solutions can join the DID ecosystem as partners in the Mykeepin program. MyKeepin app will be launched in the second quarter.

DID Standardization

1. Integrate the DID international standards recommended by DIF and W3C

Metadium technology reflects the DID international standard presented by DIF and W3C. DIF’s Identity Hub is built on the Keepin app, and the Universal resolver is being used to develop an interoperable DID platform.

2. ETRI joint project

At the request of the Korea MSIT (Ministry of Science and ICT), Coinplug is participating in the project conducted by IITP. The Metadium Platform is being used for research and technology development. The ultimate goal of this project is to develop a platform that ensures privacy protection and interoperates with each other platforms. The project includes Korea Post, KFTC, Koscom, and ICON, a other blockchain platform.

Thank you for your support and trust in Metadium.

Metadium Team




Metadium powers identification, authentication and crypto transaction management, providing AML compliance and risk management solutions.