MetaLine Origin Guild System: Crafting a Legendary Maritime Empire

MetaLine X
8 min readAug 20, 2024


In the vast and intricate world of MetaLine Origin, the Guild System serves as the engine that drives player interaction, strategic depth, and communal growth. This system is designed not merely as a feature but as an integral part of the game, where players unite to build formidable empires, engage in epic naval warfare, and explore uncharted territories. Through this system, the game transcends individual play, evolving into a collective adventure where every action contributes to the greater good.

Uniting Players Under a Common Banner

The heart of MetaLine Origin lies in its ability to bring players together, fostering a community where collaboration and teamwork are paramount. The guild system transforms the game from a solitary pursuit into a shared journey, where each member’s efforts ripple through the entire guild. Whether you’re a seasoned strategist or a newcomer eager to contribute, there’s a place for everyone in MetaLine Origin.

Guilds are more than just a collection of players; they are the building blocks of a larger maritime society. Within a guild, players can share resources, strategize together, and support each other in battles and quests. This sense of unity and shared purpose not only enhances the gaming experience but also deepens the emotional investment of players, making victories sweeter and challenges more meaningful.

Unlocking Guild Benefits in MetaLine Origin

In MetaLine Origin, joining or leading a guild opens the door to a wealth of exclusive benefits designed to enhance gameplay, foster growth, and reward engagement. From valuable resources and financial incentives to promotional opportunities and ultimate rewards, the guild system provides numerous advantages that contribute to both individual and collective success. Here’s a detailed look at the exceptional benefits available to guilds, designed to support and amplify your journey in the dynamic world of MetaLine Origin.

Exclusive Guild Packages: Guilds receive specialized packages based on their type, which include a range of valuable resources, items, and equipment. These packages are designed to give guilds a strong start, supporting rapid development and enhancing overall capabilities.

Minted Blind Box Commissions: Guilds benefit from a commission on minted blind boxes, ranging from 5% to 10%. Larger guilds enjoy higher commission rates, with the potential to earn up to 10% of the minting proceeds. This provides a continuous revenue stream and incentivizes growth.

Member Invitation Rewards: By inviting new players to join the guild, members can earn ETH rewards. Both the inviting member and the guild itself receive benefits, creating an ongoing incentive to expand the guild and bring in active players.

Guild Prize Pool:The guild’s prize pool is funded by member expenditures. This pool is distributed periodically based on individual contributions, offering ETH rewards and encouraging active participation and engagement within the guild.

MTT Mining Profits: Members who engage in MTT mining receive substantial earnings. These profits help support the guild’s financial needs and contribute to its growth and development.

Exclusive War Rewards: Participation in major PVP events, such as guild wars, port conquests, and grand naval battles, offers the chance to win significant ETH rewards. Successful guilds may also acquire port tax rights, increasing their economic influence and status.

Official Promotion: Top-performing guilds receive promotional support across official websites and community platforms. This visibility boosts the guild’s reputation and influence within the game.

Ultimate Rewards for “Master of the Seas”: Reaching the highest guild level, “Master of the Seas,” unlocks exclusive rewards. Details on these ultimate prizes will be unveiled as guilds advance toward this prestigious rank.

These benefits are designed to foster competitive play, enhance guild growth, and reward active participation, ensuring a vibrant and engaging experience in MetaLine Origin.

Strategic Depth and Guild Progression

At the core of the guild system is the concept of progression. Guilds in MetaLine Origin are not static entities; they evolve, grow, and adapt over time. This progression is marked by a tiered ranking system that reflects the guild’s accomplishments and standing within the game world. Starting at the “Endless Sea,” guilds can advance through a series of increasingly prestigious ranks towards the highest rank “Master of the Kings”, each bringing its own set of challenges and rewards. Level details from lowest to highest, details as follows:

- Endless Sea (Starting Rank): The entry point for all guilds, offering basic functionalities and the foundation for growth.

  • Eye of the Storm
  • Wrath of the Sea Emperor
  • Dragon King’s Domain
  • Poseidon’s Hall
  • North Sea Kraken
  • Deep Sea Leviathan
  • Overlord of the Seas
  • King of the Seas

- Master of the Kings (Highest Rank): The ultimate goal for any guild, representing unparalleled power, influence, and access to the rarest rewards in MetaLine Origin.

Each rank not only enhances the guild’s capabilities but also unlocks new content, from advanced ship types to exclusive technologies. This progression ensures that there is always something to strive for, keeping the game dynamic and engaging.

Advanced Technologies and Strategic Enhancements

Guilds in MetaLine Origin are equipped with a variety of technologies that enhance their strategic options and in-game performance. These technologies are divided into three main categories, each offering unique advantages that can tilt the balance in favor of the guild.

1. Production Technologies:

- These technologies streamline resource management, boosting the speed and efficiency of resource gathering.

- They also reduce resource consumption, allowing guilds to maintain a steady supply of materials for shipbuilding and upgrades.

- By optimizing these aspects, guilds can ensure they are always prepared for large-scale engagements without straining their resources.

2. Combat Technologies:

- Focused on enhancing the combat prowess of guild members, these technologies improve the attack power, defense, and durability of warships.

- They also provide critical boosts during guild wars and port conquests, where every advantage can be the difference between victory and defeat.

- By investing in combat technologies, guilds can become dominant forces on the battlefield, feared and respected by their rivals.

3.Development Technologies:

- These technologies unlock new functionalities within the guild, such as increased level caps, faster shipbuilding times, and access to higher-tier ships.

- They also open up advanced guild shop items, including rare equipment and powerful upgrades that are essential for maintaining a competitive edge.

- Development technologies are crucial for guilds looking to stay ahead of the curve and continuously improve their strategic options.

Main Guild and Sub-Guild Mechanism in MetaLine Origin

The guild system is designed to foster a dynamic hierarchy, with Main Guilds and Sub-Guilds working together to achieve common goals and drive the game’s growth.

Main Guilds: These powerful entities lead guild alliances, setting the direction and overseeing growth. Main Guilds must invest in Guild Packages for initial resources, have a large and active membership, and maintain a significant MTT stake. They drive strategic goals, participate actively in game activities, and work towards achieving the highest guild rank for ultimate rewards.

Sub-Guilds: Affiliated with Main Guilds, Sub-Guilds operate under their leadership while contributing to the alliance’s goals. They must choose a Main Guild, and meet membership and MTT requirements. Sub-Guilds support their Main Guild by participating in activities, maintaining order, and helping advance guild technologies and trade levels.

This structure creates a collaborative network, enhancing both individual and collective success in MetaLine Origin. Together, Main and Sub-Guilds create a cohesive and powerful network, driving collective progress and ensuring a vibrant and competitive gaming environment.

Guild Development Directions in MetaLine Origin

In MetaLine Origin, guilds can choose from several strategic development paths, each tailored to different playstyles and goals. As guilds progress, their chosen direction will shape their approach to trade, combat, and overall strategy. Understanding these development directions is crucial for guilds aiming to excel in the game’s dynamic environment.

Trade-Focused Guilds: These guilds concentrate on expanding maritime trade, mastering key trade routes, and accumulating wealth. By prioritizing economic prowess, they aim to become dominant commercial giants in the seas.

Combat-Focused Guilds: These guilds invest in building formidable naval fleets and actively engage in guild wars to seize maritime supremacy. Their focus is on establishing a powerful presence and becoming formidable maritime rulers.

Balanced Development Guilds: These guilds strive for a well-rounded approach, developing both trade and combat capabilities. They aim to maintain economic strength while also ensuring a strong presence in battles, balancing prosperity with military prowess.

Each development direction offers unique opportunities and challenges, allowing guilds to tailor their strategies according to their strengths and ambitions. By choosing the right path and executing their strategies effectively, guilds can achieve significant success and influence in the world of MetaLine Origin.

The Guild map: A Microcosm of Power

The internal economy of a guild is another vital aspect of the MetaLineX system. It is managed through structures like the Guild Shop and Guild Blacksmith, where players can exchange resources, upgrade equipment, and prepare for battles. This economy is not just about wealth accumulation; it’s about resource management, strategic investments, and collective decision-making.

  1. Guild Shop:

Offers a wide range of items, including ship parts, upgrade materials, and special equipment. Players can use their guild contribution points to acquire these items, ensuring that the guild is well-equipped for future challenges. The shop also serves as a hub for resource distribution, allowing guild leaders to allocate supplies where they are most needed.

2. Shipyard:

Shipyard: The guild can invest materials and gold to construct warships of five varying quality levels, each offering unique capabilities and enhancements. These warships play a critical role in the guild’s strategic endeavors, serving as the backbone for large-scale PVP activities like guild wars and port conquests. As the guild advances, these vessels can be upgraded to improve their combat effectiveness, speed, and durability, providing the guild with a significant advantage in dominating the seas and securing vital resources.

3. Guild Blacksmith:

Provides a space for players to upgrade their ships and equipment, enhancing their attributes and making them more formidable in combat. Upgrades require both materials and gold, making resource acquisition a key part of the guild’s strategy.The blacksmith’s work is critical for maintaining the guild’s competitive edge, especially in the face of increasingly difficult challenges.

Epic Naval Battles: The Ultimate Test of Unity

One of the most thrilling aspects of the MetaLine Origin Guild System is the ability to participate in large-scale naval battles and port conquests. These events are not just about brute force; they require careful planning, coordination, and execution. Guilds can build warships of varying qualities, each suited to different types of engagements. These ships are more than just tools of war; they are symbols of the guild’s power and strategic acumen. These are large-scale PVP events where guilds compete directly against each other for dominance.Winning a guild war can bring substantial rewards, including rare items, exclusive titles, and increased renown.The outcome of these wars often hinges on the collective strength and coordination of the guild, making them a true test of unity and strategy.

Get Ready for the Blind Box Sale!

We’re excited to introduce Guild-Exclusive Blind Boxes, offering each guild the chance to design their own unique box. These special blind boxes carry the same incredible value and attributes as the Genesis Blind Box, empowering your guild to grow and gain a strategic advantage.

Earn More with Guild Mint Blind Boxes! When your guild mints blind boxes, you’ll receive a rebate ranging from 5% to 10%. The larger your guild, the bigger the rebate — up to 10%! This is an excellent way to boost your guild’s revenue.

Stay tuned — full details about the blind boxes will be revealed soon!



MetaLine X

MetaLine X is a comprehensive, fully on-chain WebGame platform built upon the core products of MetaLine.