Data Lake vs. Data Warehouse: which one to use?

Metric Labs
5 min readMar 13, 2024


In today’s digital era, data has become the cornerstone of businesses, steering decision-making and innovation. With the exponential growth of information, concepts like Big Data have surfaced, necessitating efficient storage and management solutions.

Two prominent methods for handling vast data volumes are data lakes and data warehouses. In this blog we will delve into each to grasp their intricacies and ascertain the optimal fit for your organisation’s requirements.

Article originally published on on March 13th 2024.

Data Lakes: Unveiling the Potential of Raw Data

A data lake acts as a central repository for storing both structured and unstructured data in its raw state. Similar to a natural body of water with diverse tributaries, a data lake accommodates various data types, making it an ideal playground for data scientists and analysts seeking profound insights. The ISASA framework (Ingest, Store, Analyse, Surface, Act) encapsulates the essence of a data lake’s functionality, highlighting its agility and flexibility in handling real-time data streams.

Data Warehouses: Structured Insights for Operational Efficiency

In contrast, a data warehouse focuses on processing and organising structured data into standardised schemas. It serves as a strategic asset for operational users, furnishing structured and readily accessible information for informed decision-making. By tracing the data’s journey from operational systems to the integration layer and ultimately into the data warehouse, organisations can streamline their data management processes and derive actionable insights.

Key Differences: Decisive Factors

Several factors differentiate data lakes from data warehouses, including:

  • Data Structure: Data lakes preserve raw data in its original form, while data warehouses capture and organise structured information.
  • Users: Data lakes cater to data scientists and analysts requiring in-depth analysis capabilities, whereas data warehouses serve operational users seeking structured data for day-to-day operations.
  • Storage Costs and Accessibility: Data lakes offer cost-effective storage but may entail complexity in access and management, whereas data warehouses incur higher storage costs but provide easier accessibility and organisation.
  • Schema Position and Data Processing: Data lakes prioritise agility with schema definition after data storage and employ the ELT process, while data warehouses define schemas beforehand and utilise the ETL process for efficient data processing.

Data Lake Architecture:

The data lake architecture is like a big warehouse where all kinds of data are stored in their original form, whether it’s structured (like tables in a database), semi-structured (like HTML or XML files), or unstructured (like text documents or images).
Imagine this warehouse having different sections:

  • Ingestion Area: This is where data from different sources is brought into the warehouse. It’s like a loading dock where trucks unload their cargo.
  • Storage Area: After data is brought in, it’s stored in its raw form. Think of this as shelves where items are placed, but they’re not organised neatly yet.
  • Processing Area: Here, the data undergoes various transformations to make it more useful. It’s like a factory where raw materials are turned into finished products.
  • Refinement Area: Once data is processed, it’s moved to a section where it’s cleaned up, organised, and made ready for analysis. This is like packaging finished products for distribution.
  • Analysis Area: Finally, there’s a section where analysts and data scientists can access the refined data to analyse it and extract insights. It’s like a lab where researchers study the products to learn more about them.

Data Warehouse Architecture:

The data warehouse architecture is like a structured library where data is organised, categorised, and optimised for easy access and analysis. Here’s a simplified breakdown:

  • Data Sources: Similar to the data lake architecture, the process starts with collecting data from various sources such as databases, applications, and files.
  • ETL (Extract, Transform, Load): In the data warehouse architecture, data undergoes ETL processes. This means the data is first extracted from the source systems, then transformed to fit the predefined structure or schema of the data warehouse, and finally loaded into the warehouse itself.
  • Storage: The data warehouse stores data in a structured manner, typically using a relational database management system (RDBMS). The data is organised into tables with predefined schemas, making it easy to query and analyse.
  • Data Marts: Many data warehouses include data marts, which are smaller subsets of data focused on specific business areas or departments. Data marts allow for more targeted analysis and reporting.
  • OLAP (Online Analytical Processing): Data warehouses often include OLAP cubes or multidimensional databases, which are optimised for complex queries and analytical processing. OLAP allows users to analyse data from different perspectives and dimensions.
  • Query and Reporting Tools: Data warehouse architectures include tools for querying and reporting, such as SQL-based interfaces or business intelligence (BI) platforms. These tools allow users to access and analyse data stored in the warehouse.
  • Metadata Management: Metadata, which includes information about the data such as its source, structure, and usage, is an important aspect of data warehouse architecture. Metadata management tools help organise and maintain metadata to facilitate data governance and data lineage.

The Future Outlook: Coexistence and Adaptation

While some experts speculate about one approach overshadowing the other, reality suggests coexistence and adaptation. As organisations grapple with diverse data types, data lakes may gain prominence for handling unstructured data, while data warehouses continue to excel in managing structured data.

Making the Right Choice

Ultimately, the choice between a data lake and a data warehouse hinges on understanding your organisation’s data needs and objectives. Whether prioritising flexibility and agility or structured insights and accessibility, both solutions offer unique advantages that can drive data-driven decision-making and innovation.

In conclusion, by evaluating factors such as data volume, user requirements, and query logic control, organisations can effectively harness the power of data lakes and data warehouses to propel their business forward in the digital era.

Need help with Data Analytics? Metric Lab is here to guide you. Whether you’re navigating the intricacies of data lakes or optimising the efficiency of data warehouses, our expert team is equipped to provide tailored solutions. From strategy development to implementation and analysis, we offer comprehensive support to maximise the value of your data. Contact us today to explore how Metric Lab can elevate your organisation’s data-driven decision-making and innovation.

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