North Albuquerque Acres Fun Facts

MetroABQ Newsletter
3 min readApr 16, 2024


North ABQ Acres Almost-Acres…
Bordered by the Pueblo of Sandia to the north & the Sandia Heights community to the east, N.ABQ Acres commands quite a presence in the north east corner of the Metro. The city-like grid-patterned street map may look like many other parts of town; however, this is not a typical MetroABQ neighborhood. N.ABQ Acres is all about space.

Sitting at a little over five square miles, the community is one of the least populated sections of city, with at about half the population per capita than the average in the rest of the city, according to This is because the vast majority of the residential lots are almost an acre, many sitting at .89acre; hence the name. Almost-acre lots in N.ABQ Acres affords enough space to build your home, & to rejuvenate in the copious space surrounding your home.

It’s not inexpensive to live there…The median income for N.ABQ Acres is $138,000, compared to the average for the city of $58,000. With a 2021 residential population of 8,000, more than 1000 of them make over $200,000 yearly.

Over the past year, according to the MetroABQ MLS, 115 single-family homes sold in N.ABQ Acre, with the average sales price around $915,000. On average, each home included over 3800 squarefeet. The most expensive home was $2.65 million; the least expensive was $420,000. Meanwhile, the city median sales price is around $350,000.

The homes go fast there, with an accepted offer received on average after only 21 days on the market, compared to an average of 34 days-on-market for the rest of the city. At the moment, there are only eight homes for sale there, & 14 homes currently under contract.

Again, North ABQ Acres is all about owning your own space, & apparently, the spaces are selling quickly…

The image above was taken from the rooftop deck of a newly-built North ABQ Acres home. An article about designing the home is below.

Thx for reading & for making it this far.

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Extraordinary architects live & create in Albuquerque; beautiful & profound art installations abound; Greenspaces & Parklands define whole areas of the city; extras like Growers’ Markets & cultural events add to our quality of life. I’m a Realtor & write about it all in the MetroABQ Newsletter.

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