Public Sculptures Along a North Valley Ditch

The MetroABQ is a great place to be…

MetroABQ Newsletter
3 min readOct 14, 2022

Leaving the La Luz community & crossing the Rio at the adjacent Montaño Bridge, you soon find yourself at Second Street. There, I always look for the metal sculpture on the northwest corner. Bat Family Cruisin’ is a wildly frenetic sculpture that once you see it, you will remember it…

But there are more…

Four other MetroABQ 1% For Arts sculptures dot the landscape heading north, one above & the rest below…

“Nuthatch,” created by Tim Mullane, was installed along the North 2nd Street pedestrian corridor in 2019, seen above. It’s a surprisingly large sculpture when you stand underneath it. More of Tim’s work is here.

Perfectly curated & just down the road is “Nest,” by John Christensen, also installed in 2019. I love this image, a little bit out of context.

These sculptures are found on North 2nd Street, along the Alameda Drain & Trail.

“Quietly Here,” above, installed along this mostly industrial corridor, is what caught my eye & made me stop. There are four installations between Montaño Blvd & Osuna Road. Created by Russ Connell, the MetroABQ 1% For Public Art Collection installed it in 2019. The artist has quite a varied oeuvre — see more of his work.

“Grr-Hiss Masquerade,” by Evelyn Rosenberg & Steve Borbas, is a whimsical metal sculpture on the west side of Second Street, standing at the corner of Willow Rd. Walking around the piece is necessary, especially to see a fantastic blooming Desert Willow tree that seemed to frame the artwork well

Apparently Evelyn Rosenberg, a rather unique local sculpture, enjoys using C4 explosives in the creation of her work. Gotta love this place:)

Thx for reading & for getting this far.

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Extraordinary architects live & create in Albuquerque; beautiful & profound art installations abound; Greenspaces & Parklands define whole areas of the city; extras like Growers’ Markets & cultural events add to our quality of life. I’m a Realtor & write about it all in the MetroABQ Newsletter.

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