A government institution shamelessly ripped off my Corona Tracker app and published it on the App Store

Mhd Hejazi
2 min readApr 1, 2020

More than a month ago, I decided to develop a Coronavirus tracker app for iOS and macOS after I felt the need for such an app, and found none on the App Store.

I built an app that uses the great data from JHU CSSE to show live stats, maps, and charts for every country, and days later, I open-sourced the project on GitHub. I tried to also publish the app on the App Store, but it got rejected because it’s not from a health organization.

Today, I was checking the App Store to see if anybody was able to publish an app that is similar to mine, and to my surprise, I found my own app published on the App Store under the name “Corona Map” by “The Saudi National Health Information Center”, a Saudi government institution.

I installed the app to see if they have mentioned my project in any way but found nothing. They shamelessly took my app, made some changes and additions, and published it under their name.

But they changed the app icon though, to a certain degree.

Here are some more screenshots:

