MiSon’s SON Token: A Practical Look At Its Utilities And Benefits

KKGC Finance
4 min readMay 22, 2023

MiSon, an innovative project at the intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain technology, is revolutionising the decentralised finance (DeFi) sector. At the heart of the MiSon ecosystem is the SON token, which plays a crucial role in the protocol, offering its holders a range of benefits and utilities.

SON Token: A Catalyst for Value

The SON token serves as both a safeguard for investment users and an amplifier for protocol profits within the MiSon ecosystem. It goes beyond being a mere representation of value; instead, it enhances the overall value of the protocol through its token financial model. By participating in the MiSon ecosystem, users can unlock additional value for the protocol while enjoying potential rewards. This includes:

Balancing Income and Loss

The SON token plays a critical role in balancing the income and losses within the MiSon protocol through its unique Compensation mechanism.”

Whether the protocol generates positive income or experiences losses, the SON token ensures a fair and balanced outcome. In the case of positive income, the profits obtained through smart contract execution are directed to the liquidity provider (LP) pool, thereby amplifying its value and volume. In the event of losses, the compensation contract distributes the losses to depositors, allowing users to receive compensation.

Additionally, users can hold tokens and participate in LP to gain dividend rewards. This enhanced risk management mechanism sets the MiSon protocol apart from traditional income aggregators, providing improved anti-risk capabilities.

Decentralised Ownership and Governance

The SON token becomes completely decentralised following the token distribution through smart contracts. Corresponding functions and calls within the smart contract distribute all shares.

Token holders can earn income and gain voting rights within the protocol, laying the foundation for future community DAO organisation governance. This collaborative relationship between SON and the MiSon protocol marks the beginning of further optimisation and innovation within the DeFi economy.

Token Economic Model and Loss Compensation Plan

Unlike many token projects that lack sustainable economic models, MiSon’s SON token strives to provide long-term value to its holders. The economic model of the SON token is designed to incentivise holding investments and compensate users for losses. Early investors and LP lockup holders are the only entities capable of issuing tokens.

When the protocol generates profits, 30% of the earnings enter the token LP pool through the market value Robot. Some tokens are destroyed, while others are rewarded to LP users, ensuring a balanced distribution of rewards. The “compensation contract” is triggered if a user incurs a loss, providing tokens equal to the amount lost. These tokens can be sold to offset the loss, held for potential gains, or utilised within the LP to maximise returns.

MiSon launches its IEO on ByTrade

MiSon recently inaugurated its Initial DEX Offering (IDO) on ByTrade. This milestone event allows investors to participate in the IDO and acquire SON tokens, the exclusive token of the MiSon protocol.

How do I qualify for MiSon’s SON IEO?

To participate in MiSon’s SON Initial Exchange Offering (IEO), interested individuals must meet the qualification criteria. To qualify, participants must pledge 200 ByTrade’s BTT tokens, which will be locked for 90 days following a linear release schedule. By locking their BTT tokens, participants can potentially earn up to 10% of the pledged proceeds, adding an extra incentive to get involved in this exciting opportunity.

How do I buy SON IEO on ByTrade?

The MiSon IEO is currently taking place on ByTrade, offering investors the chance to acquire SON tokens from the allocated supply of 750 million specifically reserved for the IEO. Follow these steps to purchase SON tokens on ByTrade:

  1. Register on ByTrade: Visit the ByTrade exchange website at https://www.bytrade.io/user/register and create an account. Provide the necessary information and complete the registration process.
  2. Access the SON IEO page: Once registered and logged into your ByTrade account, navigate to the SON IEO page. You can find the SON IEO page by clicking the link: https://www.bytrade.io/launchpad/36.
  3. Place your order: On the SON IEO page, you can “Place Order.” Click on this button to proceed with your purchase. Follow the provided instructions and enter the amount of SON tokens you wish to buy.
  4. Confirm the transaction: Carefully review your order details, including the quantity of SON tokens and the total cost. Double-check for accuracy and ensure you have sufficient funds in your ByTrade account. Once confident, click the “Confirm” button to finalise the transaction.
  5. Receipt of SON tokens: After the transaction is confirmed, you will receive a confirmation message, and the SON tokens will be credited to your ByTrade account.

By following these steps, you can participate in the MiSon SON IEO on ByTrade and acquire SON tokens, giving you an opportunity to be a part of this exciting project with promising growth potential.

To learn more about MiSon, Visit:
MiSon Official Website
: http://mison.finance/#/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MisonProtocol
Telegram chat
: https://t.me/MiSonProtocolio
Telegram channel: https://t.me/MiSonProtocol
Linktree: https://linktr.ee/misonprotocol

