Top 10 DeFi Security Best Practices

KKGC Finance
7 min readDec 26, 2023


When developing DeFi protocols or any other smart contract application, it is crucial to address various security issues before you deploy them on a blockchain mainnet.

While many teams mainly focus on Solidity errors during code reviews, ensuring a secure decentralized application (dApp) requires a comprehensive approach to make it ready for the mainnet.

Hence, you need to implement DeFi security best practices that will safeguard you and your users from significant financial losses, as well as prevent months of challenges and distress.

READ: What are Decentralized Applications?

Common DeFi Security Threats

The decentralized nature of DeFi platforms introduces unique security challenges. It is, therefore, crucial to understand the common threats to DeFi security to maintain the integrity of the decentralized ecosystems.

Here are some DeFi security threats:

Smart contract vulnerabilities

Vulnerabilities in smart contracts can be exploited by malicious actors, leading to financial losses. Examples of smart contract vulnerabilities include reentrancy attacks, overflow, and underflow vulnerabilities, and improper access controls.

READ: What are the Roles of Smart Contracts in DeFi?

Oracle exploitation

Manipulating or compromising the data fed into smart contracts by exploiting oracles can lead to inaccurate outcomes and financial losses. Examples include price manipulation through false data feeds and Oracle front-running.

Flash loan attacks

Flash loans enable users to borrow large sums of assets without collateral, provided the borrowed amount is returned within a single transaction block. Malicious actors can manipulate these loans to exploit vulnerabilities in DeFi protocols.

Examples include manipulating token prices, thereby causing protocol liquidations.

READ: How Do DeFi Protocols Work?

Governance risks

DeFi platforms often involve decentralized governance models, allowing users to vote on proposals and changes. However, these models can be susceptible to governance attacks and manipulation.

Examples include vote buying, Sybil attacks, and malicious proposals leading to protocol changes.

Security Best Practices to Prevent DeFi Hack

#1 Smart contract audits

Smart contracts serve as the backbone of many DeFi projects, automating the execution of predefined agreements without the need for intermediaries.

However, their complexity and the potential for unforeseen vulnerabilities make them a prime target for malicious actors. Smart contract audits are a critical component of ensuring the security and reliability of DeFi projects.

Ensure you choose a reputable and experienced audit firm to make your smart contract security audit effective. Other factors that should guide the firm you choose for the audit include:

  • Check past performances
  • Expertise in DeFi
  • Transparent communication
  • Continuous support

#2 Code reviews and testing

Examine the codebase of the DeFi protocol through comprehensive code reviews and rigorous testing. Code quality is crucial for transparency within the DeFi ecosystem. Well-documented and easily understandable code facilitates collaboration among developers, auditors, and the broader community.

High-quality code significantly diminishes the likelihood of vulnerabilities. Clear and concise code is easier to review, thereby reducing the chances of ignoring potential security risks.

Use static analysis tools to examine the code without execution, identifying potential vulnerabilities and coding errors early in the development process. Also, conduct dynamic analysis by running the code in various scenarios, simulating real-world conditions to identify runtime vulnerabilities and unexpected behaviors.

Develop and deploy DeFi applications on isolated testnets to simulate the behavior of the mainnet without exposing users to potential risks. This allows developers to identify and rectify issues before deploying on the live network.

#3 Decentralized Oracle selection

Decentralized oracles play a key role in the security and reliability of DeFi protocols by providing real-world data to smart contracts.

However, the decentralized nature of oracles does not guarantee immunity from risks. Single points of failure, susceptibility to manipulation, and potential collusion among centralized Oracle providers can compromise the integrity of data feeds.

Smart contracts relying on such oracles are vulnerable to inaccurate information, leading to financial losses and systemic failures.

Diversifying Oracle sources helps mitigate the risk of a single point of failure. Integrate data from multiple reputable Oracle providers to enhance the reliability of the information fed into smart contracts.

Decentralized oracle networks, which leverage a multitude of independent nodes, distribute the responsibility of providing data. This reduces the likelihood of a coordinated attack or manipulation. Examples of such networks include Chainlink, Band Protocol, and Tellor.

#4 Secure key management

The security of private keys is crucial in DeFi. This is because private keys act as the cryptographic credentials granting access and control over users’ funds. Any compromise of these keys could lead to unauthorized access and potential loss of funds.

The use of hardware wallets, such as Ledger or Trezor, adds layer of security by keeping private keys offline. This reduces the risk of online attacks like phishing or malware.

In addition, implementing multi-signature solutions requires multiple private keys to authorize a transaction, enhancing security. Even if one key is compromised, it alone cannot execute transactions.

Furthermore, regularly audit the infrastructure and processes associated with key management. Third-party audits help identify vulnerabilities and ensure that the key management system remains resilient.

#5 Continuous monitoring and incident response

DeFi platforms should leverage automated monitoring tools designed to detect anomalies and potential security breaches in real-time. These tools can analyze network traffic, monitor smart contract activity, and identify suspicious patterns that may indicate malicious behavior.

Implementing comprehensive user activity tracking allows platforms to monitor user interactions and identify any unusual or unauthorized transactions.

Also, monitoring user behavior can aid in the early detection of potential threats, such as unauthorized access or account compromise.

It is equally important to maintain detailed logs of system events and transactions as this helps with analysis and auditing. These logs provide valuable information for identifying the root cause of incidents, conducting post-incident analysis, and implementing preventive measures.

#6 Community governance and transparency

Community governance empowers users to actively participate in decision-making processes and fosters a transparent ecosystem.

By implementing robust community governance mechanisms, DeFi projects can enhance security, build trust, and ensure the sustainability of their platforms.

Establish clear governance structures that allow for representation from various stakeholders. It is also important to implement voting mechanisms that are accessible to all community members, regardless of their level of involvement or token holdings.

Transparent communication builds trust and keeps the community informed about the project’s developments, updates, and potential risks. Maintain open channels of communication, such as community forums, social media, and newsletters.

You should also provide ample lead time for community members to review and discuss proposed changes before voting occurs.

#7 Insurance coverage

Insurance coverage provides a safety net for users and stakeholders against potential financial losses resulting from unforeseen events. The presence of insurance coverage can instill confidence in users, investors, and stakeholders, fostering trust in the DeFi ecosystem.

Assess the coverage parameters offered by insurance providers, including the types of events covered, payout conditions, and policy limitations.

Choose reputable insurance providers with a track record in the DeFi space. Look for those that have a history of honoring claims and adapting to the evolving landscape.

In addition, be aware of any limitations or exclusions in the insurance policy, such as those related to specific types of attacks or vulnerabilities.

#8 Tokenomics and economic incentives

Developing a robust tokenomics model involves designing economic incentives that align the interests of all stakeholders within the ecosystem.

Tokenomics should encourage active participation from various stakeholders, including developers, users, liquidity providers, and governance participants.

Offer rewards for identifying and reporting vulnerabilities to incentivize the community to actively contribute to the security of the project.

Also, embed security measures in the tokenomics design, such as penalties for malicious behavior, to discourage potential attacks.

Managing token issuance and supply dynamics is crucial. As a result, carefully balance inflationary and deflationary measures to prevent excessive volatility and ensure a stable ecosystem.

#9 Regulatory compliance

Regulatory compliance ensures legal adherence, fosters trust among users and mitigates the risk of legal actions. DeFi projects should be cognizant of international, national, and regional regulations that may impact their operations.

Work closely with legal experts who specialize in blockchain and cryptocurrency regulations. Legal counsel can provide insights into compliance requirements and help navigate complex regulatory frameworks.

In addition, develop and implement thorough AML procedures to detect and prevent illicit activities within the DeFi platform. You should also incorporate KYC verification processes to ensure that users are properly identified, adding an extra layer of security and compliance.

#10 User education and awareness

Educate users on the potential vulnerabilities associated with smart contracts, emphasizing the need to understand the underlying code and audit reports.

Also, raise awareness about common phishing tactics and scams prevalent in the DeFi space, urging users to verify website URLs, never share private keys and remain cautious about unsolicited messages.

More so, emphasize the importance of securely managing private keys, recommending the use of hardware wallets, and discouraging the storage of keys on easily compromised devices.

In addition, encourage users to double-check wallet addresses before making transactions, minimizing the risk of sending funds to incorrect or malicious addresses. You should also educate users on understanding and setting appropriate gas fees, preventing unintended or failed transactions.


This article has explored the top 10 DeFi security best practices, recognizing the different challenges developers, users, and the broader community face.

The rapid pace of innovation within the DeFi space requires a continuous commitment to security. Even the most well-intentioned projects can fall prey to unforeseen risks.

By diligently adhering to the outlined top 10 DeFi security best practices, MiSon Protocol not only strengthens its resilience against potential threats but also fosters a secure and trustworthy environment, thereby ensuring sustained growth and user confidence within the DeFi ecosystem.

Learn more about the role of DeFi security in the DeFi space:

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