Unveiling MiSon Protocol’s Compensation Protocols: A Deep Dive into How They Operate

KKGC Finance
3 min readSep 23, 2023


Cryptocurrency and blockchain technologies have given rise to a myriad of innovative protocols, and MiSon Protocol is no exception. MiSon Protocol is rewriting the rules of crypto asset management, enhancing financial efficiency, boosting asset liquidity, and fortifying the crypto ecosystem.

Triggering Principal Compensation

At the core of MiSon Protocol’s compensation mechanisms lies the trigger for principal compensation. When a user experiences a loss during the execution of the protocol, the Compensation Protocol springs into action. Its primary function is to activate and provide compensation, and this compensation comes in the form of newly minted coins.

Rules Governing Protocol Compensation

Understanding how compensation is determined is crucial. In the event of a user’s principal loss, MiSon Protocol issues tokens equivalent to the current value as compensation. This mechanism allows the user to receive compensation by selling these tokens. However, an important caveat exists. If the user has previously profited from the protocol, and the loss incurred is less than the profit gained, no compensation will be provided, and no tokens will be issued.

Protocol Token-LP: Rewarding Liquidity Providers

MiSon Protocol places a strong emphasis on rewarding those who contribute to its liquidity. Profits generated within the protocol are automatically allocated to the Liquidity Pool (LP) and converted into tokens. Notably, a portion of these tokens is destroyed, while the remainder is awarded to the LP providers. This mechanism ensures that participants who contribute liquidity to the protocol are duly compensated for their contributions.

Defining the Total Income of the Protocol

MiSon Protocol boasts a comprehensive framework for income generation. This protocol incorporates five distinct income methods and one fee, each playing a unique role in the ecosystem. Let’s explore these components and their respective details:

  • Liquidity Supply: Within MiSon Protocol, the profit generated by the AI liquidity component, often referred to as the smart pool, is distributed to the relevant protocol quota holders on a 24-hour basis.
  • Quantitative and Arbitrage: MiSon Protocol introduces a powerful feature that enables the quantification of income generated from various arbitrage components. If the system is in a profitable state, settlements occur every 24 hours, automatically distributing the income. In the case of floating profit or loss, the system operates for a period ranging from 72 to 168 hours. A settlement is made if profit is achieved within this time frame. If the system time limit is reached, a settlement is enforced.
  • Hedge Reserve: In scenarios involving quantitative positions, MiSon Protocol utilises LP contracts for hedging and arbitrage to generate profits. Each successful execution results in profit repatriation and distribution.
  • Sharing & Governance: MiSon Protocol empowers users through the ownership of SON tokens. These tokens grant users the ability to vote and govern the community. This not only allows for participation in shared use protocols with friends but also provides opportunities for additional profits and governance.
  • Liquidity Staking: The SON token within the compensation coinage contract token of the protocol can yield sliding point income and pledge destruction income. This is achieved by providing liquidity, resulting in real-time income for participants.
  • Protocol Production Cost: Income generated within the protocol serves a dual purpose. Apart from rewarding and compensating users, it is automatically allocated to cover production costs. These costs encompass technical expenses, gas fees, operational expenditures, and team incentive expenses.
  • It’s important to note that the profits and fees mentioned above are automatically distributed within the current protocol system. Any adjustments or changes to this system can be found on the official website.

In Conclusion

MiSon Protocol’s compensation protocols are a critical component of the crypto ecosystem. They ensure that users are fairly compensated in the event of losses and contribute significantly to the profitability and governance of the ecosystem.

Learn More About MiSon Protocol:

MiSon Official Website: https://www.mison.finance/v/#/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MisonProtocol
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/MiSonProtocol/
Telegram chat: https://t.me/MiSonProtocolio
Telegram channel: https://t.me/MiSonProtocol
Linktree: https://linktr.ee/misonprotocol

