10 Spongebob Pictures That Perfectly Sum Up College.

Michelle E. Williams
3 min readDec 10, 2015


As this fall semester comes to a close, I will be slowing down on posting blogs.

BUT I will leave you with this gem of 10 Spongebob Pictures that Perfectly Sum Up College. Enjoy!

  1. When you stare at your computer screen for 4 hours and realize you’ve started 3 different assignments and haven’t finished one of them.

2. When you see a puppy and you’re slightly intoxicated.

3. When you try really hard the first 2 weeks of school, then you realize you can’t keep up with anything.

4. When you forget you have a quiz today on something you forgot to read.

5. When you eat on campus and you realize you should have purchased 3-ply toilet paper.

6. When you’re taking a math test and realize you don’t know shit about math.

7. When you accidentally walk into the wrong classroom thinking its yours.

8. When you’re in bed and forgot you have something due at midnight.

9. When your friends ask you if you want to go out.

10. When you try to diet on campus but then walk by Chick-fil-a.

Thank you all for reading! See you all in a couple months!

