How to Get Your Kids to Eat Their Veggies

Here’s how to end that struggle and finally have a peaceful family meal together.

Michael C. Markert
4 min readJul 5, 2023


Photo by MD Duran on Unsplash

Anyone with small kids knows how hard it is to get them to eat healthy and at the same time sit down at the table as a family and share a nice meal together. If left to their own devices, most kids will opt for sweets and maybe the occasional chicken nugget. Peas? Broccoli? Carrots? Are you kidding? They will rarely touch those, and if you force it, you are just going to make everyone at the table miserable.

Understanding Where the Pickiness Comes From

Did you know that our little ones are basically tiny food critics, especially when it comes to anything green on their plates? But before we label them fussy eaters, it’s worth noting this aversion to new foods is part of their evolutionary survival kit. It’s nature’s way of keeping them safe.

Believe it or not, I learned this fascinating fact in one of my college nutrition classes. That’s right, somewhere between those weekend parties and late-night study sessions, I managed to retain a nugget or two of wisdom. Those little humans came hardwired to be picky eaters and not eat unfamiliar foods as a way to keep them from poisoning themselves with an errant toxic berry out on the savannas…

