Tips For A Successful Family Meeting | Michael Luchen | Family

Michael Luchen
3 min readSep 7, 2018


Even the most dedicated parents can struggle with the task of strengthening the family bond. One of the best ways of achieving this goal is by holding regular weekly family meetings. These have proven to be one of the most effective bonding activity that families can do in order to generate harmony and connection amongst loved ones. When it comes to family meetings, the goals are to foster better communication, bring everyone closer together and overall have some fun. Below are some simple guidelines to help you have a successful family meeting. Keep in mind that every family is different and every step might not be right for your family, so have the flexibility and creativity to adjust as necessary.

Keep The Meeting Up-Beat

By simply coming together to talk as a family, you will be fostering better harmony and connections. You can talk about any of the good things that happened in school with the children or a funny moment that happened within the neighborhood. You will want to keep the sense of humor and don’t be afraid to laugh. This meeting is about communication and it is much easier to create such communication when you are having a good time.

Don’t Control Participation

Participation in these meetings should be organic. So while you should want everyone in the family to join in, you can’t expect your three-year-old to fully engage. Even if you have teenagers, while their input would be welcome, it shouldn’t feel compulsory. After a while, they will start attending just to see what they might be missing and even make a fuss about attending in general.

Be Creative With The Meeting Space

Where you hold the meetings should be a place where everyone feels comfortable. The kitchen or dining room are great options. Feel free to be creative and experiment with different locations that even go outside of your home such as the backyard or a local park. If things are a bit tense around the house, then you might want to venture out to a pizza parlor, or a local miniature golf course or bowling alley.

End The Meeting With Something Fun

By ending the meeting with a fun experience, it will encourage everyone to attend and participate. You can plan these experiences with the group and even remind your children that if they don’t get what they want one week, they will have the opportunity another week. You will ensure that there is no tension and help teach your children patience at the same time. You want to make sure you end the meetings with something fun so that everyone leaves on a high note. Many times, you might not have to spend money. You can play games at home or even watch interactive television like Jeopardy or Family Feud.

Originally published at



Michael Luchen

Michael Luchen is the CEO and Founder as well as the Director of Sales and Operations for Arcadia Merchant Services. |