How to Quit Your Job Without Feeling Guilty

Micheal Gilmore
6 min readFeb 26, 2017


Quitting a job is quite a tough process, and many employees have no clue how to deal with it professionally. Moreover, quitting means more risks for the future and more challenges that must be taken care of with much care. That’s why this process must be treated accordingly.

While you quit your job, you’re losing contact with many things; your colleagues, your environment, your office space’s backyard, and so on. There are also a lot of memories involved and a lot of pleasurable experiences that could pop in your head. That’s where guilt comes in!

Most employees feel guilty about having to quit. In order to avoid this unpleasant feeling, check out the tips that are about to be presented during this article. We’ll see how quitting can become an easy and straightforward process. There is no reason to feel guilty, and here’s how you can make your way out of the office.

How to Quit Your Job Without Feeling Guilty

Be Professional

No matter how much you love or hate your job, you must treat it with respect. At least that’s how professional employees do things. This is like a non-written rule of any workplace; you must respect your duties, colleagues, and employers, and be professional every time you’re in the office.

Even if you hate your boss, that shouldn’t give you any reasons to behave like a bad employee. Just finish your duties, respect everyone around, and leave with dignity.

Be Genuine

Well, one of the most appreciated traits of an employee is honesty. Nowadays, the truth is extremely mixed up with lies and manipulation. Many individuals try to steal or take advantage of things that could give them unethical shortcuts. You must never be that type of person and employee.

Whenever your managerial team asks you why have you decided to leave your job, tell them the truth and be real straight with each and every one of them. Be a professional in the meanwhile, and avoid mentioning all the unnecessary details. Quick to the point and that is it.

Go Straight to the Boss

The first thing you have to do after you’ve made up your decision is letting your highest rank know of your plans. There are situations in which some employees are spreading the news with their colleagues and ask for silence. Everybody knows that someone may leave, except the boss.

That’s not how a company should work; if you respect the chain of command and your boss, I’d suggest keeping it to yourself before speaking it out loud. These things can create much trouble and confusion. In order to avoid that, go straight to your boss and communicate your final decision.

Give Fairly Reasonable Notice

In order to avoid any trouble and guilt, you must give your higher positions a fairly reasonable notice that you are planning to leave their job position. This should happen only after you are extremely sure with your decision. The moment you announce your resignation, the moment you are out for good.

Sometimes it’s best to think about it for a few weeks, then find a better alternative, and only after that, quit your job. Either way, always let your employers know, so they can start looking for a replacement.

Focus on What’s Coming Next

You have an optimistic future ahead. Don’t let negative thoughts and feelings overwhelm you. Yes, you might feel the melancholia and the guilt after such a big change, but focusing on the present moment and the future moment is the best way to deal with this sort of things.

Instead of living in the past, live the moment and put all your energy into new productive things. After all, you’ll have to do something else and occupy your time with new things. Changing jobs isn’t like going on holiday. You still have responsibilities; you have to wake up and go to work, and so on.

Just Don’t Feel Guilty

Even though this article is supposed to teach you how not to feel guilty when you have to deal with your resignation, we’re going to put it way more simple. Do not feel guilty; just don’t, and it’s as simple as that. First, ask yourself why would you feel guilty? That’s a good question.

When you first signed up for the job, you knew that it’s probably not going to be your only job; and so did your employer. You have tried working, you have tried enjoying it, but it simply doesn’t work for you. In that case, it’s your own responsibility and duty to change the conditions of your professional life.

It’s called professional because that’s how it’s supposed to be: no strings attached, nothing personal, and all good. The moment you realize that quitting someone’s job is a perfectly normal process, the moment you’ll start losing the guilt feelings and instead become empowered by the future which is ahead of you.

Why you shouldn’t feel guilty?

Reason 1. Realize That They’d Do the Same If They Were In Your Shoes

In case you haven’t yet realized, the company would proceed the same way. When a professional relationship between a client and an employee no longer works, the company will always choose to replace the latest. So, why wouldn’t you, as the employee of the company, think about replacing your client too?

Again, there’s no shame and guilt in wanting to change the way you work and live, so just believe in yourself. It’s a personal decision, and everyone must respect it no matter what. If you are aware of the fact that it would be the same in the opposite case, you can even mention it to your employer. Let your employer know that you’re aware of that fact, and ask him to be decent in case he reacts badly.

Reason 2. Staying Because of Guilt Will Make You Unproductive and Unhappy

It’s just like with love; the moment you try to force something, the moment it no longer works. Some emotional relationships become exhausted after a while. The cause? There could be many! No matter the reasons, start realizing that work relationships and engagements are exactly the same.

When we no longer have the inner motivation to do something, we will perform like crap. Worse results, worse moods, and fewer fulfillments are just a few of the effects that a forced staying would cause. We could really state that leaving your company the moment you feel unhappy and unfulfilled would be the best thing for them! Try to explain them that.

Reason 3. If You Stay but You Wish to Leave, You are Limiting Your Success

Whenever something feels like…not right…that’s a powerful sign that shouldn’t be neglected. Every time you get a certain feeling that you should do something else with your life, quit your job, or get out of a toxic relationship, your “smarter self” is talking to you. If you choose to analyze these thoughts, you can only gain stuff instead of lose it. Read these quotes about change to understand, that change is essential, it’s a part of our lives.

People often tend to limit themselves. They can’t perceive a bigger degree of success in their life; why? It’s all because of their environment, mindset, beliefs, and attitude. In case you want to leave your job and you have the right reasons, you definitely do it. Otherwise, you’re only limiting your options for the future.


It takes some courage to quit a job; it’s a tough decision that many people avoid because of their intensified comfort zone. The moment you take responsibility for your life and actions, the moment you’ll be able to control and influence your future positively.

If quitting a job is a problem, you’re going to have a lot of issues with more complicated things in life. People have to be dealt with; respect, gratitude, and professionalism. These are the things that you should be aiming for whenever you find yourself in a situation where you have to quit your job.

This article originally appeared in

