NaPoWriMo Poetry Prompt #15


Inspired by Willow Watson

Willow Watson

A couple of weeks ago, I went to an amazing special poetry edition of Con Tu Variety Show ( at ATNSC: Center for Healing & Creative Leadership (ATNSC: Center for Healing & Creative Leadership) and heard three of the most amazing local writers we have in Cleveland: Stephanie Ginese, Chelsea Daniels, and Willow Watson.

Willow did a particularly affecting piece that began with the phrase, “If I must exist here…”

For this 15th day of NaPoWriMo, write your own poem that begins with “If I must exist here…” It can be about surviving in your body, in your home, in your city, in your state, in the US, or this war torn world right now.



Michelle R. Smith

Michelle R. Smith is a poet and author of Ariel in Black, The Vagina Analogues, and black, live matters: a collection of kautata for an activist husband.