Lakeland Correctional Facility Employee Town Hall

MI Dept. of Corrections
6 min readDec 18, 2020


On Thursday, December 10, Michigan Department of Corrections Director Heidi Washington had the opportunity to speak with current staff from both Lakeland Correctional Facility and the surrounding Parole and Probation offices. Staff who took part in the virtual meeting brought a lot of great questions to the table, and we hope they will help provide answers for staff across the state.

Q. Since the geriatric population still exists in the Department and at LCF, has the DOC considered partnering with the local hospital in Coldwater to create a secure floor for inmates? I know this was visited years ago, just wondering if it would ever be revisited. Thank you.

· Deputy Director Gulick — We did an analysis of different facility physical plants to determined which is best suited for this population which resulted in the approval to establish a geriatric unit at TCF. The department is currently in the process of making upgrades to the Franklin Unit for this purpose.

Q. Will you be coming out with goals for the department as you did last year?

· Director Washington — The department has the Strategic Plan with objectives set for the next four years. Due to COVID, we have had a delay in implementing some of the objectives however we are currently in the process of establishing workgroups. Other than the objectives outlined in the Strategic Plan, we are also looking at other areas that need to be reviewed.

Q. What needs to happen in order to bring back hazard pay?

· Human Resources Director Jonathan Patterson — Hazard pay is something that would have to be approved by the Office of the State Employer. There must be funding for it and then it has to be negotiated with the bargaining units and approved by the Civil Service Commission.

Q. Working during the COVID crisis has really opened all of our eyes to the benefits of utilizing available technology to streamline our processes. What efforts are currently under way to amplify the adaptation of new technology to this end?

· Director Washington — One of our goals in the Strategic Plan is the establishment of a technology team. The intent was to establish an ongoing team to be looking for and researching ways we can introduce technology to assist in doing our jobs more efficiently.

· DD Marlan — I am on the technology team. Earlier this summer we sent a survey out asking staff if they have any ideas in regard to technology and received really good feedback. The team is currently looking at technology applications that would assist in remedying issues that have come about during COVID.

Q. How is the Director keeping the Governor updated?

· Director Washington — Governor Whitmer is very accessible and also reaches out regularly. The Governor has regular meetings with the Cabinet and during COVID there have been additional meetings. Sometimes during the Cabinet meetings Directors are asked to report out for their department and I have done that. I am in regular communication with the National Guard, Michigan State Police, and other state agencies also.

Q. Any monies still available for the demolition of old buildings?

· Deputy Director Gulick — There is not money set aside for demolishing old buildings however the department can request work projects for this purpose. Facilities can also note these in their five year plan or discuss with Physical Plant administration as they may have some funding available.

Q. What recruitment efforts are you aware of for health care?

· Deputy Director Gulick — We have a health care recruiter for the department, and she works closely with the recruitment office. They have been finding creative ways to virtually talk at job fairs and speak with college students about the health care opportunities within the Department of Corrections. We have also partnered with an advertising agency that is assisting in making the public aware of job opportunities within our department.

Q. Any recruitment at local colleges and universities in our area? With us being so close to Indiana, Trine for example.

· Deputy Director Gulick — Recruitment does reach out to local colleges, I am not sure about Trine specifically. They are also attending virtual job fairs right now. These are some of the recruiting events they have done recently.

(Below list provided after townhall)

o 11/5/2020 — Macomb Community College Career Fair, Saginaw Valley University Career Fair, U of M Dearborn

o 11/6/2020 — Washtenaw Community College Career Fair

o 11/9/2020 — Michigan Hire My Vet, Oakland Community College Career Fair

o 11/10/2020 — Bowling Green State University

o 11/11/2020 — Lansing Community College Presentation

o 11/12/2020 — Siena Heights Career Fair, Davenport

o 11/16/2020 — Newago High School Presentation

o 11/17/2020 — UP Return to North

o 11/18/2020 — HRSA Career Fair

o 11/23/2020 — Back to Michigan

o 11/30/2020 — Henry Ford Nursing Event, Macomb and West MI Works

Q. With FOA staff working remotely and doing so successfully, are there plans to continue to do so beyond the COVID crisis?

· Deputy Director Marlan — We do not know yet as that has not been discussed. For the foreseeable future we are detailed to home until there is a vaccine and greater comfort levels with people returning to the office.

Q. Understanding the hiring freeze, I know that vacancies have been discussed in previous town halls, and new officer academies are taking place with a combination of virtual and in-Person. When the hiring freeze is lifted has there been any talk of offering New Agent School in this same capacity?

· Deputy Director Marlan — Currently we do have to obtain the SBO approval before filling a position.

· Deputy Director Gulick — There currently is a hiring freeze however we are able to fill some positions. The current process in place is to obtain approval from the State Budget Office. We have been successful with obtaining approval to fill some positions however we are not filling all positions at this time.

· Director Washington — We do have a blanket approval from the State Budget Office to hire corrections officers, healthcare staff, and food service.

Q. With the aging prisoner population, a lot of staff at LCF ask if there is any plans to possibly transition our current general population units to barrier free geriatric/medical units like our A-Building Housing unit.

· Director Washington — We did an analysis of different facility physical plants to determined which is best suited for this population which resulted in the opening of the Franklin Unit at TCF. Once Franklin Unit is open it will help manage the beds at Duane Waters and C-Unit.

· Deputy Director Gulick — With the increased number of offenders in this age range, this might be something we will have to look at moving forward.

Q. Has there been any improvement, that you are aware of, with the hiring of dental staff? Particularly dentists? I am aware that statewide this is an issue. The same question for hiring for psychiatrists.

· Deputy Director Gulick — Dr. Choi has worked very hard with reaching out to dental schools. We have sent letters to all dentists in the state to see if they have any interest in working for the department. We have also contracted dentists in an effort to fill vacancies. It is challenging to fill these professions in the prison.

Q. Has any thought been given to when the pandemic has ended if screening processes will still be used, and if so, should we look at purchasing more advanced screening devices?

· Director Washington — Throughout the pandemic we have consistently followed the guidance of the CDC and MDHHS. If the guidance from CDC and MDHHS is to do so, that is what we will do.

Q. With the vaccine on the arisen, will there be a requirement/mandate requiring employees to take the vaccine?

· Director Washington — No, that has not been part of the discussion that I have been a part of. We are currently in the process of planning for the vaccine and hope to have additional information soon. Once we receive information, we will share it with the department.



MI Dept. of Corrections

The Michigan Department of Corrections provides the greatest amount of public protection while making the most efficient use of the State's resources.