Parnall Correctional Facility Employee Town Hall

MI Dept. of Corrections
4 min readDec 18, 2020

On Wednesday, December 9, Michigan Department of Corrections Director Heidi Washington had the opportunity to speak with current staff from both Parnall Correctional Facility and the surrounding Parole and Probation offices. Staff who took part in the virtual meeting brought a lot of great questions to the table, and we hope they will help provide answers for staff across the state.

Q. We have a couple staff that went off work due to COVID-19 and now continue to have long term effects from it. What are we doing to make accommodations for these staff?

· Human Resources Director Jonathan Patterson — if someone has a medical issue related to COVID and they cannot return to their regular job duties, we can look at reassignment options through ADA.

Q. What kind of things are we looking to offer new recruits such as a fast pace to top pay, health care? there seems to be many federal jobs and other agencies offer these things and are taking away from the potential staff as we lose officers every few months because of using this as a stepping stone. what are we going to do to compete with these other agencies?

· Deputy Director Gulick — There are things that are within our control and areas that are not. Healthcare is a benefit provided to all state employees and we do not have control over that.

· Human Resources Director Jonathan Patterson — In regards to fast pace to top pay: that is something we would have to work with the Office of State Employer and Civil Service, as Civil Service sets pay scales.

· Director Washington — In working with other states, we have found that we are not alone in our issues with recruiting corrections officers. One thing Michigan does have that other states do not is negotiated pay raises.

Q. Recently we have been receiving prisoners from the stepdown units and transport staff are in full PPE when they arrive. That is concerning to our staff when they arrive. We reassure staff that the prisoners have been seen and released by medical. Can you address that.

· Director Washington — Early on we had CTO’s that were not in full PPE as they were not transporting COVID prisoners and then had to transport someone with COVID and needed PPE, so they are to wear full PPE at all times. We are following CDC guidance as to when someone can be moved from stepdown.

Q. With mandates slowing at some facilities is there any talk of a 50% mandate line at certain facilities based on need? the mandate line seems to be a morale killer as many officers have worked a numerous amount of years to earn that privilege

· Director Washington –We intend to return to normal as soon as we feel things are stabilized across the state. With the current outbreak status at facilities, we have not felt that it is the time to do that as we are still having emergency situations where we are polling volunteers for assistance. We do intend to return to the 50% mandate line but cannot give a date as to when that will happen.

Q. Staff are still asking about their pending DMU cases. I don’t have an answer for them when I make rounds. These staff have had Covid-19 and lost a lot of leave time. Do we have an answer when staff’s DMU cases may be resolved or answered?

· Human Resources Director Jonathan Patterson — DMU has been overwhelmed by the amount of workers comp cases and DM cases. They have received assistance from other areas to try and speed up the process however they just received approximately 500 new workers comp claims. They are diligently working through these and the approval process.

Q. There has been research done that has tied severe mental health issues directly related to individuals who have contracted COVID such as depression and anxiety. Adding that to the daily tasks that we already do this takes a toll on us and our families mental health. I understand we have the wellness unit, but other options may be needed to help make an impact. Does the department have any plans to become more proactive with the mental health issues that plague our staff members? At one-time Offender Success mentioned staff in the facility to talk to, is that still a valid option?

· Director Washington — The wellness unit has been working diligently through COVID. It is a stressful time and I am grateful we have the wellness unit. As far as other options where we could become proactive, I am open to any suggestions that anyone has. We rolled out the new peer support program during COVID and that will allow someone to be on site to assist staff.

· Human Resources Director Jonathan Patterson — The wellness unit has been holding interviews for peer support staff and are moving along with implementing this. They have had a large response to the request.

Q. The wellness unit has not been allowed inside of the facility throughout the entire pandemic, many officers would feel much more comfortable seeing them walk through the facility, many people don’t want to reach out or feel uncomfortable but if they see them in person they will make that connection. I know that different classes were still allowed to run for a period of time why has the wellness unit not been inside of facilities with PPE on just as outside facilitators have done.

· Director Washington — For the safety of staff and prisoners, we have been very restrictive as to who is allowed inside the facilities in an effort to reduce the amount of opportunities for potential exposures. While the wellness unit has not been on site at Parnall, they have been on site in the administrative building at a few facilities due to things that have happened.



MI Dept. of Corrections

The Michigan Department of Corrections provides the greatest amount of public protection while making the most efficient use of the State's resources.