Is there an environmental champion near you?

Michigan LCV
2 min readAug 28, 2018


We’re at a turning point: we need leaders in Lansing who will do the right thing for our communities and our great state.

Our state has the highest levels of PFAS in the nation — we’re leading the pack with 30 legacy contamination sites (and counting). We’re at risk of leaving our lakes open to costly, irreversible damage from toxic algal blooms and invasive species. Our unregulated, failing septic systems are discharging 30 million gallons of raw sewage into our groundwater and waterways every day. Thousands of Detroit residents are facing water shutoffs amidst record-high bills — all while we’re surrounded by the world’s largest supply of surface freshwater.

We’re endorsing 24 more candidates who are committed to protecting our air, land and water to be environmental champions in the Legislature. We believe these candidates will be true protectors of #OurWater and our communities. They will take the lead on creating a bold, comprehensive plan for our resource protection, building the health of our communities, and funding infrastructure improvements to ensure safe affordable water for all.

Looking to find out if there’s an environmental champion in your area? Follow these steps:

  1. First, find out what house and senate districts you’re in. Already know? Skip this step! If not, use the websites below:

Michigan House:

Michigan Senate:

2. Now that you know what you districts you’re in, use the map below to click on the pins near you live. Each pin represents a MLCV-endorsed environmental champion. In the description, you’ll find out what district they are running in. Make sure to match your district number with the right champion!

3. Don’t leave it to chance — vote and make sure others do, too! Now that you know who to vote for to protect #OurWater, you can join MLCV #OurWater organizers across Michigan as we knock doors to let others know what’s at stake this election. We could use your help!



Michigan LCV

The nonpartisan, political voice for protecting Michigan’s land, air, and water. Explore what leaders in the MLCV community are saying about the issues.