2 min readJan 11, 2022


This article will remind you of the necessary steps in the migration process as well as provide you with the relevant information about operation ‘The New Beginning’.

At the outset, we’d like to inform you that the liquidity has been withdrawn in preparation for the V2 migration. There is still residual liquidity available, but we do not recommend trading an old pair since it may result in significant losses.

APY of V1 staking has been reduced to 0%.

2,000,000 MIM has been paired with 33,334 CROWN and added to V2 LP.

V2 launch price is $60 per CROWN.

Migration process

The migration portal is now open and accessible and you can proceed with the instructions listed below.

To swap from V1 to V2, you will need to take the following steps:

  1. Unstake your V1 sCROWN tokens at
  2. Go to
  3. Connect your Metamask or TrustWallet
  4. Click Swap V1 CROWN button
  5. Confirm transactions and wait few seconds
  6. Done, your CROWN V1 were swapped to CROWN V2, which are staked automatically.
  7. After successful swap, continue to use

The migration portal will be open for 14 days.

Note: to see V2 CROWN on your MetaMask add tokens listed below.

V2 Smart Contracts:

CROWN 0x39912d83acb4a373321387300f4fbe88aa5d6f14

sCROWN 0x643D3707FBa05962821e0d0838a82C0Ab40D9549

CROWN-MIM — LP 0x089a9BF16453b519Fab02e40d143C0dcF9083778

Staking 0x9619BC1306B94130FBC70CF07e311E69949f07D4

Treasury 0x6D9Cfb705C7b7A5ca1C4565A47Fa1b26FC1bE3d0

Bond MIM 0x719d4CBAecA6e1a61fd2Cb9fE581aFb9Db18b74B

Bond AVAX 0xE4f5d8Ef9c638e487a9e315A673cF598d7b0d4d9

Bond CROWN-MIM LP 0xF3C0aB5d9CAbf12775719959A4ffd218feA0c43C

Migration portal 0xcfb7AAAe5812A9397047456Ac9Ef73774366D8A0

Trading slippage

According to the previous Medium article, we will launch V2 in the following tax brackets:
1. Sell — 16% tax (price: $40 to $80)
2. Buy — 1% tax (price: below $100)

However, for the first 24 hours of V2, we are running a promotional 0% tax on buy transactions and sell tax remains at 16% rate during the first 24 hours.

If you are buying, you don’t have to modify the slippage, if you are selling, set the slippage on 17%+.


I’m still in Warm-up, should i forfeit rewards and swap to v2?

Feel free to finish Warm-up, claim, unstake, and then switch to V2. The first rebase of v2 it will most likely have no rewards. So you’ll have plenty of time to move to CROWN v2.

I have mints that I’m still claiming. I just wanted to make sure v1 mint claiming will still be available while v2 is going on.

Yes, mints will continue to be available for redeeming. Claim your mints and swap to V2. Migration portal will be open for 14 days.

Is there a tax on swap to V2?

No, migration swap is tax-free.

The article will be supplemented with frequently asked questions.

(👑, 👑) & WAGMI




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