Voxies — Common Questions And What Gives A Voxie Value.

9 min readSep 23, 2021


Hello everyone and welcome to Voxies by Shadow (Y) Gamers! My name is Mightmare and in this article I will do my best to give you the information you need to buy your first Voxies!

So you’re new to Voxies, joined the discord https://discord.gg/TKTsz3zJ83 (in case you haven’t) and are wondering what Voxie to buy. There are many Voxies of differing rarity, race and class. Some have items, some have unique pieces of armour and there are others that will will receive special airdrops. With such a variety of choice, it can make that first purchase feel pretty daunting! Let’s break it down to help you find what suits your playing style and budget.

⦁ Common questions answered

⦁ Classes

⦁ Rarity

⦁ Races

⦁ Items

⦁ Ghosts

⦁ Overview

Common questions answered

To start with I will answer some of the more common questions asked by new people when they join the community. Here they are:

How do I buy a Voxie?

Answer: Voxies is sold out and the only way to currently purchase a Voxie is through the secondary market: https://opensea.io/assets/voxies?search[sortAscending]=true&search[sortBy]=PRICE

What are Voxel tokens?

Voxel tokens will be used as in game currency for Voxie Tactics. They will be tradeable both in game AND on exchanges (specific exchanges yet to be confirmed). For those who hold Voxies between dates 26/08/2021–03/02/2022 they will be allocated Voxel tokens each Thursday. These allocations are tracked on the Voxies website https://voxies.io/wallet/ and will be airdropped closer to full game launch.

When is demo and full game launch?

Demo is expected in early October with full game launch expected for late December.

What are the benefits of having a higher rarity Voxie?

Answer: In terms of gameplay, higher rarity Voxies will have an improved RNG rate. Combined with the loaning system that Voxies will implement, having a higher rarity Voxie will no doubt come with a higher premium when renting it out to others in game. It’s been said that there might also be areas within the game that are only accessible by certain rarity Voxies, however this hasn’t yet been confirmed. What has been confirmed and is currently active is the token allocation (at date of writing this). Voxel token allocation runs for a total of 24 weeks and are allocated each week on Thursday. Higher rarity Voxies give you a larger Voxel token allocation.

Are stats more important than rarity?

Answer: No, stats are not more important than rarity. It has been said by the developers very clearly that the stats on Voxies are just starting stats and that they will be increased substantially by game play. That is not to say that stats are totally disregarded, as they are not. Some players prize and look for Voxies with high stats, generally those with a combination of 40+.

Is Voxies F2P (Free to play?)

Answer: Yes, Voxies will be F2P. It has been said that the free to play RNG rate will be heavily influenced by PVP ranking. This is in an effort to prevent bot farms while at the same time giving F2P players a realistic chance of earning through game play. It’s true that you won’t be able to customise a F2P Voxie in the same way that you’ll be able to customise a player owned Voxie. However, you can play the game entirely for free - although your earning potential might be slightly diminished vs player owned Voxies. In my opinion this is still GREAT for a game in this space and it still allows F2P players to Play to Earn.

Will PVP just be pay to win?

Answer: No, it won’t just be pay to win. In fact, there will be two PVP leagues within Voxies. One will have only stock characters/items, meaning that it will be a level playing field for all. The other will slightly favour those who have invested as it will be an open league, no holds barred where any item/Voxie will be permitted. It’s worth keeping in mind though that even a common Voxie can kill a legendary Voxie. This is a game highly based on your skills and ability to battle.

Will I be able to make passive income from Voxies?

Answer: Yes. Voxies will have a rental system by which you can rent out your Voxies. It’s also been said that only Gen 0 Voxies will be able to “recruit” Voxie Recruits. This will likely be done using a crafting system where Gen 0 Voxies will be be able to use gathered materials to gain a Voxie Recruit. It should be noted that while this has been spoken about by the Dev team it hasn’t been 100% confirmed on how the mechanics will work.

How many Voxies do I need for each battle?

Answer: Battles in Voxie tactics are between 2–7 Voxies per battle. That means that you will need from 2–7 Voxies. Don’t forget though that you can use stock characters to fill out your team. If you have just one Voxie, the stock Voxies will fill out the rest of your team.

What are the different rarities?

Answer: There are a total of 6 rarity types, these are; Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, Legendary and Godly.

What are pets?

Answer: Pets are in game companions that will accompany you in battles. They have their own abilities and will complement your Voxie. They are interchangeable so you will be able to use a pet from one Voxie and put it onto another.

Will there be Multiplayer?

Answer: Yes, there are plans for for both PVE and PVP multiplayer battles.

Where’s the best place to keep up to date with Voxie news?

The best place to keep up to date is probably the discord https://discord.gg/TKTsz3zJ83 or on twitter.

Ok, now that we have answered some of the more basic questions that you might ask as someone new to Voxies, let’s move on to classes, races, rarity and items. You need to understand that there’s only limited information at this point and that it’s likely some things will change when game launches.


Classes! Wanna be a sneaky Thief? Or maybe a teleporting Alien?

There are a total of 20 Voxies classes (not including godly Voxies), and there is a hierarchy of rarity which corresponds to price. Here is a list of the classes in rarity order from most rare to least rare:

Pirate — Samurai — Chemist — Timemage — Hawkknight — Thief — Monk — Druid — Bard — Ninja — Knight — Ranger — Necromancer — Warrior — Black mage — Priest — White Mage — Robo — Squire — Monster

When assigning value to a Voxie you’re looking to buy, you really need to take into account the class of the Voxie you are looking at. As an example, there are only 113 pirates in the entire game. Putting that into perspective, there are 383 Voxies that have the rarity of Legendary. So in terms of statistics, a Pirate is over 3 times rarer than a Legendary Voxie. That is NOT to say it is 3 times the price, because currently it isn’t. However, pirates ARE considerably more valuable than a squire of the same rarity.

In terms of price it’s probably easier to put them into certain price categories.

Category A (Most expensive) = Pirate, Samurai, Chemist

Category B = Timemage, Hawkknight, Thief (thief is in-between category B and C)

Category C = All other classes. These classes are fairly similar in terms of price (at time of writing this article) however that is likely to change with gameplay.

It should be noted that some class/race combinations might be more sought after than others.


Red Robot — Dragon — Skeleton — Alien — Robot — Zombie — Fox — Doge — Human (Most rare to least rare).

Each race has two abilities, active and passive. Certain races are suited to certain classes, for example a fox has added Dexterity as its passive skill, so would suit a class which has Dexterity as its primary stat. These added abilities give another layer to battles and choosing teams, increasing the variations and possibility of builds.

In terms of pricing, currently Dragon and Alien are the most expensive. This is due to the “Challenges” that are ongoing on the Voxie website. These challenges are collection challenges where players need to hold specific Voxies in their wallet at the time the challenge event ends. Completing these events will result in NFT weapons/items as rewards. You can check the challenges out on the Voxies website.

Let’s put the prices into categories for the races:

Category A (most expensive) = Dragon, Alien

Category B = Red Robot

Category C = Skeleton

Category D = Robot, Zombie, Fox, Doge

Category E = Human


In this category we are going to go through the list of items, armours and weapons that add significant value to a Voxie.

Items that add value to a Voxie:

Doge coin, Coin, Diamond, smoking (Only 10 Voxies have cigarettes).

Armour that adds Value:

Any godly set armour, helm, bottom, top. Ash Sword. Crown (very rare)

If your Voxie has any of those items/armours, be sure to do a bit of research if you are thinking to sell it! If you’re looking to buy, then expect to pay more for some items and potentially huge amounts more for others.


Pets are in game companions that will accompany your Voxie. Currently they are in the form of “unhatched” eggs. These eggs will hatch closer to game launch and reveal your pet. There are 20 pets in total, with 4 different affinities. Land, Flying, Water, Special. Pets will have their own abilities and also complement your Voxie in battle. They will be interchangeable, which means that if you have a pet on one character, you can put it onto another Voxie you own.

Any Voxie that has an egg will carry with it a premium. However, currently the most sought after eggs are purple eggs — these fall under the “special” category. These eggs are substantially more expensive due to the possible pets these eggs hold.

Ghosts, scary…

There are 223 Ghosts Voxies in Voxie Tactics and they can be any race/class/ rarity. These are highly sought after as they won’t act in the same as other Voxies during battle. The rarest Ghosts are Skeletons/Dragons with only 6 of each race in the game. ANY ghost is extremely valuable.

Giraffe Airdrop

For those who own a Voxie with the id number 9500+, these Voxies will receive a Giraffe pet close to Game release. The airdrop will be straight to the wallet of whoever owns the Voxie at the time of the snapshot closer to game. The Giraffe pet will have a maximum supply of 500 and is currently the only tradeable pet that we know of.


As you can see, there are many different properties that can add value to a Voxie. Due to the number of possibilities it’s not always easy to get an exact price for a specific Voxie. The more unique Voxies are a lot harder to price and a lot more dependant upon the market/buyer/seller.

As a good guide when buying, you should check the floor price of the specific Voxie you are looking to purchase. If the Voxie is a common fox with a purple egg, you would search the floor price for a purple egg. The reason you wouldn’t search for the fox or the common is that they won’t be adding that much value. Therefore, you know that whatever is at floor with a purple egg is pretty much the match to your Voxie in terms of price. It is good to keep in mind that for rarer Voxies the floor price can't always be trusted 100% — they aren't sold often enough to give a true indication of price. In this instance, I generally check the floor price vs the last sold price and estimate the price to be somewhere in the middle.

The Voxie market is pretty complex and it is worth taking a bit of time to analyse the market yourself before jumping in on your first purchase. Above are examples of things that add value, but those things can come in many different combinations with prices that can vary greatly. Don’t be shy to ask in the Discord for advice — people there are really friendly, helpful and will point you in the right direction.

I hope to see you around some time in the future and wish you all the best on your Voxie adventures!

Shadow (Y) Gamers




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