Slacktivity — A JavaScript library that tells you right away when your users do something really important

2 min readOct 9, 2015

Early users are crucial for startups. When there are only a few users, it’s reasonable to want to know pretty much everything they’re doing. When they log in and log out. When they use a new important feature. How they used that feature. Traditional analytics platforms are great for gathering tons of data on users and giving a clean interface to later interpret user behavior; however, sometimes you want to know immediately when something important happens. That’s why we’ve created Slacktivity.

Much to our excitement, Slacktivity is solving one of our own biggest problems. Throughout the day, we were continuously checking our Mixpanel analytics to see what users logged in recently and whether they were using major features such as our SDK Live Scan. But sometimes we wouldn’t find this info out until hours later, when we wished we’d known as soon as the events happened.

It made sense then to spin our own solution to this problem. Now, with Slacktivity, we’re notified directly in our Slack as important user events happen.

We had a ton of fun building Slacktivity. It was a great opportunity for our engineering team to collaborate with one another on something useful that we can use ourselves and also share with the world. We completed the entire project during a 4-hour hackathon at our office— with the help of some delicious Thai food delivery. Visit the Slacktivity GitHub page to start using it!

Posted by Jason Lew (Co-Founder & CTO)

