Fearless Faith Series: Go from Nervous to Natural in Defending Your Faith

Miguel Rodriguez
3 min readJul 31, 2023


How’s this for a punch to the gut?

You’re at your office, sipping your third cup of coffee, when your coworker casually says, So, you’re a Christian, huh? Why do you believe in something you can’t even see or prove?

Suddenly, you’re the deer caught in the headlights. Your mind races and your palms sweat. It’s not because you doubt your beliefs, but because expressing them in a compelling, convincing manner feels like a whole new ball game.

This isn’t Sunday school anymore; this is real life.

You know that feeling, right? That knot in your stomach, that tickle at the back of your throat? That little voice in your head saying, “What if I say something wrong?” “What if they think I’m ignorant?” “What if my answers aren’t good enough?”

Sound familiar?

You’re not alone in this. Not by a long shot. There’s a whole herd of us out here in the middle of the highway with you.

Our fears often root themselves in our perceived inadequacies, generating an anxious dread of potential judgment or criticism. This fear can create invisible barriers, hindering us from growing in our spiritual journey and connecting with others through meaningful conversations about faith.

You’ve already had those moments when the headlights bore down on you, and you froze. You’ve felt the aftermath, the sinking feeling of being hit square on. Time and again, you’ve picked yourself up, dusted off, and wondered, how can I avoid that next time?

But you don’t want to avoid it. You don’t want to be the deer in the headlights anymore. You want to be prepared.

You don’t plan to be a great debater or a theological scholar. No, it’s about being confident in your understanding, being able to hold your own in a discussion, and having that quiet, assured strength that comes from truly knowing what you believe and why you believe it.

It’s about feeling that solid rock under your feet when the storms of questions and doubts try to batter you. Isn’t that a feeling worth striving for?

The thing about a question is that it’s meant to be answered. The thing about faith? It’s meant to be shared. And the thing about standing in the middle of the highway?


So how do we move from being the deer in the headlights to confidently taking control of the road? How do we turn those dreaded questions into exciting opportunities to share the love of God?

That’s exactly what we’re going to explore in this series.


· Go deep in the essentials of our faith.

· Delve into the classical arguments for the existence of God

· Practice conversational strategies to help you express your faith effectively.

We’ll look at fear, square in the eye, and we… won’t… blink. Because at the end of the day, it’s not about proving a point — it’s about being a faithful ambassador of Christ.

So, are you ready to trade your nervousness for a natural, fearless faith? Ready to step out of the headlights and take the driver’s seat in conversations about your faith? Excellent!

Buckle up. This journey is going to be challenging, enlightening, and ultimately, incredibly rewarding.

Let’s begin, shall we?



Miguel Rodriguez

I help Christians who wants to think critically their faith and live it biblically.