I don’t know why i remember…

Mihir Fichadiya
1 min readAug 3, 2017


An ordinary day, 7th grade class, sitting next to my best friend, talking and giggling in the lecture, despite of warnings, we didn’t stop, soon, both of us thrown out of the class.

Sitting in the lobby and seeing everyone walking around, nothing entertaining, after awhile, we caught a glance of a student being scold outside of a classroom, far away at the other end of lobby, we could not hear anything, so, we started assuming funny dialogue of the student and teacher, it got hilarious, we went on doing that and laughed till our stomachs ache, rolling on the floor, time flew away, it ended, leaving an incredible memory.

Its been six years, that was nothing of a remarkable event but still, the moment alive in my heart, and brings a smile on our faces.

