SCORUM: How Sports Media Discovered Blockchain

Mike E Mars
5 min readJan 31, 2018

When you try to find something about your favourite football team…
How do you do that ?

When you want to place a bet on your favourite football team…
How do you do that ?

When you try to find a blog about your favourite football team…
How do you do that ?

Most people will simply use Google.

But what if I told you that there is a project that plans to combine all of the above in ONE simple platform ?


Scorum bring sports media to the blockchain by creating an ALL-IN-ONE solution for all things sports.

Scorum is a highly innovative and brand new blockchain platform that is focused on disrupting sports media by changing the way fans participate in the industry. Sports media generates more than 8.5 billion visits to various media sources on a monthly basis, generating massive profits that aren’t shared with sports fans.

But how does this work? How can there be one platform to rule them all?

We had a chat with John McTavish, who kindly agreed answer these questions.

Q: Hi, John. Thanks for joining us today. Can you tell us more about yourself and Scorum ?

A: Sure, I joined the Scorum team last September. At first, I was just helping them polish their English translation of the Scorum Whitepaper and the English version of their landing page. After working through the ~40 page whitepaper shoulder to shoulder with the four founders for many hours, they offered me the chance to come on board full time to be a writer for the project.

Before that, I only had a cursory knowledge of cryptocurrency but the more I researched about it the more I knew that this industry will have a profound affect on many industries. I’ve always been into adventurous sports and dabbled a bit in setting up my own blog, so the sharing economy created within the Scorum blogging platform really piqued my interest.

Since then, it’s been a constant learning experience to work on this project. From before we even had a website to now with the crowdsale winding down, every day brings new information, new challenges, and thankfully a few small victories along the way. For us this is still the beginning though and I’m most excited about building the sports community within the Scorum platform.

Q:The Scorum model seems like a very easy way for people to earn some income. Also, income from sports betting is tax exempt in most countries, which might turn out to be an additional incentive for people to use your platform. Could you let us have your view?

A: A lot of people love betting on sports and Scorum offers that without commission fees, which I think will be a good draw to the platform for high-volume bettors. The fact that it’s tax free many places is a bonus, but I honestly think it will take a few years for most countries in the world to update their tax systems to logically meet the emerging cryptocurrency industry.

As for generating income via Scorum, I think there is a place for that but I also see it as a way to generate some “play money” for people who dig sports. We’re really just creating a framework that kicks back a bit for things that people already do for free on other social media platforms. With those rewards, sports fans can use SCR tokens to get a new jersey or get tickets to a local match without using their “real money” if you know what I mean. One of the first slogans I coined for this was “we’re not after overnight riches, we’re here to offer a more enriching sports experience.”

Q: The Scorum Crowdsale is currently ongoing and already raised $5.39M.A lot of People want to see unsold Tokens to be burned, but you suggested a different approach namely turning unsold tokens into Scorumpoints. How exactly does this work ?

A: I think what a lot of people are used to seeing in ICOs is the company reserving anywhere from 20–50% of their tokens “for further development.” This essentially means that the company can dump on exchanges at any time. As you can see from SCR distribution, we’ve taken an alternative approach to this. Scorum offered 97% of SCR either for sale at the crowdsale or available to be earned through the referral program.

Of course, we’d be happy if all 18.6 million SCR sell out during the crowdsale. But if not, converting them to Scorum Power tokens basically allows us to use our blockchain system as an internal escrow service. Scorum Power tokens take 12 months to convert fully to SCR as coded into the blockchain. So as the audience grows, Scorum will be able to further fund development of new features by selling off SCR on exchanges. This will be done within reason and incrementally so that the value of SCR is not tanked in one massive sell-off.

Q: Final Question. This contains 2 Questions. The Scorum Blockchain and Wallet will be released in March 2018. Are there already any Exchanges that plan to list SCR after the Crowdsale ? and how will the platform handle possible price volatility? Will the rewards be adjusted to to the current price of SCR ?

A: We’re in a partnership with OpenLedger that will include listing on their exchange that is based on the Bitshares decentralized exchange. We’re big fans of Bitshares for a few reasons including the fact that it’s built on the same Graphene Framework we’re using for the Scorum Blockchain. With market-pegged assets that are truly collateralized and no central point of failure, we see decentralized exchanges as an important facet of secure cryptocurrency trading for Scorum users.

As the user audience grows, we are aiming for a more or less stable coin that sports fans can use. As for rewards, the distribution system is outlined pretty clearly in the whitepaper and we don’t see any need to adjust it based on the open market value of SCR. Of course, since this is a delegated proof of stake consensus system, the community can modify the rewards system through majority changes by the elected delegates.

Thanks for Making time for this John, we wish you a successful crowdsale, and sucess for the Scorum Platform.

The SCORUM Crowdsale is currently running with a Maximum of 18.6 Million SCR.

If you want to particpate in the Crowdsale use this LINK or visit for more information.

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Mike E Mars

the Latter-Day Dude of Cryptocurrencies. News / Analysis / Rumours inside and outside the Crypto Market expertise in crypto asset class, since 2013.