Sealed by the Holy Spirit

2 Corinthians 1:12–22

5 min readApr 24, 2024


What did Paul mean when he said “even as ye also are ours in the day of the Lord Jesus”? Let’s start at the end of this verse and work our way back. We can cross reference this with a similar verse in 1 Thessalonians 2:19–20. I think there is a truth here that if we get hold on it would revolutionize our zeal to serve others.

How do we view brothers and sisters in Christ? Do we realize that when we serve others with whatever gift we have that it is an investment? I don’t use the word ‘investment’ like the world system does. I’m talking about an eternal investment.

Can we see this? Paul said these churches were his “joy”, his “rejoicing”, and his “crown” when the Lord Jesus Christ returns. The “day” here points to a specific time when the Lord Jesus Christ returns to earth. In that day Christians will stand before the judgment seat of Christ. I’m not trying to assign a particular time frame to the judgment seat of Christ. I don’t know how long the “day” will last, but at some point the Lord returns, and at some point Christians stand before the judgment seat of Christ. This judgment is about rewards and inheritance.

What are these rewards and inheritance based on? I think we get a glimpse of what those rewards are based on by looking closely at what Paul said here. He barely mentioned this but there is a lot of information packed in these verses. There is a revelation from the Lord we need to see clearly. It will change the way we view church and how we treat people in the body of Christ.

Paul said they acknowledge him “in part” because they admitted he preached the truth but they were not helping him to continue his ministry. When they could get hold on the truth he was proclaiming they would see that their reward on the day of the Lord would be helping Paul as he helped them. Our rewards are tied to helping one another to further the gospel in the world. Our reward is tied to our investment in serving others and building the church. They didn’t really understand this yet like Paul did. They were just beginning to see it.

Godly sincerity and simplicity is a life free from self-centered motivations. It is a life that is dead to self, sin, the world, and the devil. It is a life which is committed to the purpose of God. This is a life which no longer invests in self, no longer worships self, no longer provides for self, no longer protects self. It is a life that died in Christ and was raised again to live completely for God. This is a simple life of godly sincerity. It is a life that is not lived according to the wisdom of the world. The world’s wisdom is to put self first, to live for self, to provide for self, to protect self, and to worship self. This is the wisdom of the world.

But Paul did not live that way. He lived with godly sincerity and simplicity. He died to self, took up the cross, and lived for Jesus Christ.


All of God’s promises are wrapped up in his Son the Lord Jesus Christ. Would we know this if Paul was not challenged by his critics? We can feel the criticism toward Paul in his defense of the gospel. Someone accused Paul of saying “yes” then saying “no” in regard to travel plans.

As Paul said this criticism of a servant of the Lord was also a back-handed criticism of the Lord and the Lord’s promises. When we attack God’s servants we attack him. Paul learned this lesson from the Lord Jesus Christ. When he was on his way to Damascus to persecute more Christians the Lord appeared to Paul and asked a question. “Why are you persecuting me?” the Lord asked. Paul was persecuting Christians, and yet the Lord asked Saul of Tarsus the question, “Why are you persecuting me?”

We should remember this. It will help us avoid criticizing the church if we remember these people are the body of Christ. There is a place for correction, rebuke, and reproof in the church. People need this. But we should be careful we do not criticize in error. Worse yet, gossiping and spreading rumors about people in the church. May the Lord help us stay away from this behavior.

God’s promise to us in Christ Jesus is yes and amen. We can trust God’s promises. The Lord will fulfill his word and promises. The Lord is trustworthy. Accusing God’s servant of being untrustworthy is calling that servant’s Lord into question as well. We can trust the Lord. We must choose to believe the best of people and when they sin we cover them with grace.


Believers in the Lord Jesus were sealed by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit lives in the Christian. God the Father established us in Christ Jesus. He anointed us with the Holy Spirit. We were sealed by the Holy Spirit. He lives in our hearts.

Our assurance of salvation is contained in these verses. Ask the question: who is doing the work here? God is doing the work. God established us in Christ. He placed us into his Son and united us with the Lord Jesus in crucifixion, death, burial, and resurrection.

God is the one who anointed us. Do we attain some level of being spiritual before God anoints us? No, he anoints the person who believes the gospel of his Son Jesus Christ. When we believe in Jesus then God anoints us. We are sealed.

What does it mean to be sealed? What does earnest mean?

In Paul’s day when someone sent a letter it was sealed with hot wax. This method of sealing letters was used even until a hundred years ago. Why was it sealed? So the contents would be made secure until it reached the proper destination.

God sealed us with the Holy Spirit and it is evidence that we will arrive at the destination God has for us. This gives us encouragement and assurance that the Lord will carry us on to completion until the day the Lord Jesus Christ returns. It is his work. God started the work, and God will finish the work in us. (Philippians 1:6).

An earnest is a down payment and is a promise that the full amount will be paid in the future. When we received the Holy Spirit it was a promise that assured us the Lord will complete what he started in our lives. He saved us, he will continue to save us, and one day our salvation will be complete. He justified us, he sanctifies us, and one day he will glorify us. This is God’s work from beginning to end.

