Android photographer Jeanine Sparla — creates stunning flower photos

Seek photo opportunities every day, experiment, be inspired and learn in photography groups
5 min readJan 17, 2018
Incredible flower photos taken on Samsung S7 Edge

When Dutch Android mobile photographer Jeanine joined our Facebook community — I was instantly blown away by her flower photos captured on the Samsung. When I perused her Instagram account I was completely floored!

Photographing flowers can be quite technical and so tempting to over-edit. Jeanine has a well established style of using incredibly beautiful soft and moody lighting. The minimal, black background in these flower photos allow the vibrant and perfectly balanced colours to simply jump off the screen.

Android Photographer Feature - Jeanine Sparla - Flower Photos

What is your story — why and how did you get into smartphone photography?

I started with the 100 day project on Instagram because I was not happy in my life that period and needed a positive focus. So I made a deal with myself to catch something small but beautiful every day and make a photo of that. (Indeed so I also found my insta name — catchthemoment_nl) My digital Sony camera was too heavy to carry around, so I bought a really good camera in the Samsung S6.

How to create stunning flower photos on a Android mobile smartphone camera

What is your mobile device and favourite apps?

For the last two years I have exclusively used my Samsung s7Edge smartphone. I only use three apps and most of the time I do everything in Snapseed. It’s magic what you can do with this app haha. Mostly I edit in Snapseed. The other two apps I use for their filters.

What is the best part of being a mobile photographer?

The best part of being a mobile photographer is that you always carry a camera with you. Even when it rains you can pop it out quickly. It’s lightweight and makes really sharp photos.

What is your mobile device and favourite apps?

For the last two years I have been using my Samsung S7 Edge smartphone. I use three apps and most of the time, I do everything in Snapseed. It’s magic what you can do with this app haha. I do most of my edits in Snapseed and use the other two apps for their filters.

Stunning flower photos captured on Samsung Android mobile phone camera

How would you describe your style?

I think they are small paintings. I always wanted to paint but what I want and what I see never becomes alive on canvas. When I am editing a photo it feels like I am painting. I always love the fall of the light and brightness in photos. That’s what I try to catch when I shoot and edit the photo.

How do you find and decide your subjects and stories to photograph?

I always catch what’s in front of me everyday. It started as a part of a photographing challenge but I still keep doing it. I have learned that there is always something to shoot a picture from.

Beautiful flower photos on a smartphone camera
Monochrome flower photos captured on smartphone

What are your top three tips for creating your photos, rather than capturing a happy snap?

I enjoy the process of taking photos
I like challenges to learn more and more, so I joined several photo groups
It makes me happy to see the end result

Do you have a typical capturing and editing process?

I want the subject to really be the main subject. I want vibrant colours; feel it’s vibes and brightness. So I play with all the possibilities on Snapseed, till I have the right vibe which I like. I work a lot with the ‘Brush’ and ‘Stacks’.

Something you are still learning?

I learn every day. I follow different kinds of photo groups, where I pick up photo tips — especially also from Mike in the Smartphone Photography Training Community. I watch other photographers, who inspire me and experiment with photo apps to try something new.

How to create stunning flower photos on a Android mobile phone camera
Samsung android photographer - flower photos

What advice do you have for those just discovering their passion for smartphone photography?

Shoot and play and have fun. Make pictures you like. Not for the likes of others. Join photo groups it’s fun, you stimulate each other and you learn a lot from each other.

Where can we see more of your amazing photos:
Instagram: catchthemoment_nl

Other featured smartphone photographers from our community

Love taking photos on your smartphone and want to create images you thought only possible on an SLR? The Get Started page will help you navigate to the:

Mike James hosts regular group workshops, corporate training and is a sought after speaker and photography clubs and social media events. Get in touch with Mike here.

Be Passionate — Be Creative — Keep Learning



Learn to create visual impact in your Smartphone photos; by applying photography and phone specific techniques & the best photo editing apps available.