Featured Mobile Photographer — Carole Walker

Carole shares the therapeutic benefits of smartphone photography, highlighting the simplicity and convenience of the phone.

4 min readMay 10, 2017
smartphone photography by Carole Walker

I really appreciate that Carole shared her story, explaining how photography has become her therapy to help cope with her anxiety and depression. Transitioning more and more to the simpler mobile phone camera, has provides instant gratification, capturing, editing and sharing images — without the heavy concentration or needing to remember lots of information.

This is a great opportunity to reflect on how the convenience of the phone camera has provided you, accessibility to photography without requiring all the technical know-how.

What is your story — why and how did you get into mobile photography?

My husband bought me a DSLR camera to hopefully help with my anxiety and depression and it worked. I became obsessed with taking photos of anything and everything. I started to see the beauty in nature again. Because of my mental illness, I have trouble concentrating and remembering lots of information and I found taking photos with a mobile camera was just so much simpler than my big camera, I stated to veer that way more and more. Taking photos is therapy for me, it stops my head from the constant chatting going on inside. I also found mobile photography gave me instant gratification, finding it so simple to edit on my phone and upload my imags to social media.

What is your mobile device and top five apps?

I started with an iPhone 5 but I’m now using an iPhone 6.

My favourite apps would be:

  1. Snapseed
  2. Camera+
  3. Instagram
  4. Lenslight
  5. Retouch
black and white smartphone photography
Sun Flower captured on iPhone 6

What’s the best part of being a mobile photographer?

I can snap a shot anytime and anywhere because I always have my phone on me, I’m always looking for beauty for my next shot.

How would you describe your style and how did you discover it?

I haven’t really discovered my style, I see beauty in so many different things like clouds, flowers, nature and the world around me. I do really love macro especially flowers.

How do you find and decide your subjects and stories to photograph?

Sometimes they just jump out at me and other times I go searching for them. I now see the world in photographs and how I can capture it.

Mobile Photography at Better Mobile Photos
mobile photo of a water droplet siting inside a succulant

What are your top three tips for creating your photos, rather than capturing a happy snap?

Most importantly would be just to have fun. There are rules in photography, but sometimes rule are made to be broken. Try different angles and perspectives, to see what works for you.

Do you have a typical capturing and editing process?

Someone once told me to never delete a photo, so now I upload every photo to the cloud so I can revisit the pics at a later stage. Editing I go to Snapseed and decide which tools I’d like to apply to my shot, sometimes I simply play around to see what works best for my photo. It’s teaching me to be more creative but the great thing about photography is you never stop learning.

What advice do you have for those just discovering their passion for mobile photography?

First thing I would say is enjoy your journey, have fun with it and of course join the Smartphone Photography Training community, who offer weekly photography themes and loads of free tutorials and tips. The community group is extremely friendly, supportive and inspiring and the admin Mike James is very passionate about mobile photography, I’ve certainly become more creative and confident since joining this group.

smartphone photography apps

Check out more stunning mobile photography by Carole on Instagram @carolewalkerphotos and Facebook

Originally published at Smartphone Photography Training.

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About The Author: Mike James is the founder of Smartphone Photography Training. You can get in contact on Facebook, Linkedin or Instagram.




Learn to create visual impact in your Smartphone photos; by applying photography and phone specific techniques & the best photo editing apps available.