Do you even remember WHY the f*ck you started your business?

Miks Ozolins
5 min readJun 10, 2016


People have been asking me: “Miks, why do you need a digital marketing agency if you’re a filmmaker? Why don’t you just make movies?”

Little do they know that it’s my pathway to making more quality films.

Entrepreneur and internet personality Gary Vaynerchuk wants to buy The Jets. I!!! On the other hand want to keep producing movies with great Hollywood actors!

Movie trailer of my first feature film I Want Your Girl!

Also, since my PURPOSE is helping others create and share their [business] stories I didn’t want to be at the mercy of some agency and wait until they pick ME to direct an ad for one of their clients.

I thought, why not create my own digital marketing agency?

Most importantly, I wanted to be able to consistently support my family and enjoy a bi-coastal lifestyle while doing what I love so I can be in LA and ride my Harley there when the weather in NY is shit.

Besides, the feeling of freedom I get while riding my bike is the kind of feeling I enjoy transmitting for business owners when we create fully automated marketing campaigns for them, so they don’t have to. A dentist wants to fix more smiles, not be dealing with marketing.

With an amazing human being and my daughter in one person- Eisley May.

I believe in this day and age every business has a shot at greatness. Every. Business. Has a shot.

Nowadays with the current climate in technology you can expose your brand / business / service to your potential clients at the perfect time, in large numbers and in the place they hang out religiously- THE INTERNET.

You have the chance to do something that only big brands have been able to do on TV & Radio at only a FRACTION of the price!

  • We have a Small Business Loan Provider as a client that we’re generating WARM leads (not the “dusty” shelved kind you can purchase from someone) on Facebook and Instagram ~$100 a pop and they make an average of $2,500 and up per closed lead. Deduct ad expenses and our monthly retainer and they still make a hefty profit!
  • We have a large Homecare company who thought their business was not suitable for digital marketing but we happily & confidently proved them wrong and even documented it in one of the CASE STUDIES you can receive right here!
  • And we even have a Harley-Davidson dealership as a client now whom we make dope-ass video ads for to put into Facebook and Instagram newsfeeds of their targeted audience.

Facebook brings one of the highest ROI % of all ad platforms out there, period! If you think “Facebook Ads don’t work” or “they’re just not for us” it’s probably because you haven’t done them right yet.

And it’s OK! When I started this online marketing thing I had no experience at all…

I was trying to find success selling my info-products in the dating niche, coaching men and consulting women on building confidence and dating, and even promoting an affiliate system.

Miks Ozolins as a dating coach.

All of my online business ventures eventually brought profit but I got bored with them because ultimately I had started them wanting to build a strong asset and combine it with my biggest passion- online marketing as a medium and filmmaking (videos, ads, etc.) as an art, respectively.

After 10,000 hours of trying, failing and eventually sailing the answer was clear. I could finally use my experience and know-how to help other businesses reach their desired clientele at high volumes.

Gifting myself my dream Harley-Davidson bike with the money that I earned in January of 2015 actually marked the beginning of my success as a laptop warrior.

What We Do

Now my company helps businesses like yours do the same- achieve success in the digital realm by bringing more people to you who could become your clients and customers.

How do we do it?

We produce [video] ads, and place them in marketing campaigns across digital platforms like Facebook and Instagram.

We turn clicks into customers for brick-and-mortar businesses as well as online retailers.

I’ve even recorded tutorials and case studies that you can watch after reading this blog so you can see how we do what we do for our clients.

I don’t want to have the biggest agency out there. I just want to be the right one for you.

Every business has a story behind it. Are you ready to share yours so you can better engage with your audience and turn them into customers?

Bring your business to life with video ads. Reach people who matter to you. Turn clicks into customers.

P.S. Some FACTS here, taken from THE Facebook itself so they must be legit:

  • With over 50% growth in video viewing on Facebook, businesses like yours are driving awareness and sales with Facebook video ads!
  • By 2018 businesses are expected to spend more in online advertising than TV and Radio combined. Why? Obviously, because that’s where your customers’ attention is at in this day and age. They’re glued to their phones.

P.P.S. Schedule your free consultation to see how we can help you in creating a story-driven marketing campaign to turn clicks into potential new customers for your business.

