“Good Pussy”- What Is It Really?

Miks Ozolins
4 min readOct 25, 2014

Discover Once And For All!

FROM: Confessions Of A Bad Boy Turned Family Man

What A Good Pussy Is NOT


We hear the term “good pussy” being thrown around a lot. Men brag about having had some good pussy recently, and women wonder if they qualify.

As a dating coach I am sometimes asked by my female clients what is good pussy. After explaining it to some clients they suggested I share it with a broader audience…

Now here it goes…having good pussy has nothing to do with the way it looks. They come in lovely different shapes as far as the layout of the lips goes. Some have super-skinny inner lips, some have, for lack of a better word, beefy lips.

Some inner lips barely even peek out of the vagina, some become extremely engorged when aroused. Some women get wet easily, and there are those who always need extra lube so they don’t get bruised.

THEN, there’s the way the lips “fall” or “fold” when staring into your face. Think of a heavy curtain,when you slide open the curtain it folds up slightly differently each time).

It’s all good.

Either way- it’s always an adventure to discover the intricacies in the grand design of the mighty vulva. There really isn’t any room for huge disappointment as for women when they discover that they got a Short Dick Man.


To some extent for most women- a man’s size matters (if you’re too small they’ll cringe and/or give you a pity fuck in silence if you’re lucky; if you’re too big- you’ll hurt them and they won’t enjoy sex with you so much.

Contrary to popular thought, the size of a vagina doesn’t matter. It doesn’t really determine if it will be a “good pussy”. I’ve never really found myself in some extremely loose vagina (and believe me… I’ve been with promiscuous girls).

Women tend to worry that after giving birth their anatomy will change drastically. That’s not true, doing kegels helps to get it back in shape.

I’ve been welcomed into many pussies all over the world and even those who had given birth to 2–3 kids were fine. They were a snug fit. Maybe it’s my thickness. Anyhow…


A great pussy also doesn’t have to impress with technique or any masterful skills that a woman might possess. While we do like a girl who can take full control, the outcome will still remain the same- we’ll usually come!*Disregard in heavy cases of WhiskeyDick or CokeDick.

Unlike for women who can be left physically unsatisfied (as in most cases, right ladies?) men pretty much have a guaranteed release.

So what gives?


What A Good Pussy IS

What makes a “good pussy” for a man (be it for a night or on a continuous basis)?

These 4 Steps Of Attraction make up the package:

  1. Physical Attraction (how a woman looks, how she carries herself, her energy, sex appeal, etc)
  2. Perceived Value (how she acts and sees herself, how others treat her and feel around her)
  3. Perceived Challenge of the woman (the higher the Perceived Value in our minds the higher the Perceived Challenge!)
  4. Connection (the vibe between us, ease of communication, lightness of being around her, humor)

For example…

Let’s say I have some incredible, veteran porn star that can shoot ping-pong balls out of her lady bits and make me come just by squeezing and releasing her vagina muscles. Besides, she can do all kinds of other tricks that were urban myths to me before spending a night with her.

Then, on the other hand I’ve got Naomi Campbell (for the sake of this example let’s assume she is inert and quite lame in bed).

For me personally… the winner here would be Naomi because she’d nail the first 3 points of The Good Pussy Formula instantly and I’m sure we’d hit it off at step #4 as well (don’t ask why, I just KNOW it OK?).

There you have it!

For men, good pussy is based on the desirability of the woman.

The higher the desire- the sweeter the reward; thus the “better the pussy”!

Women! Do you want to discover a man’s true intentions with you, now?

Then check out “FuckBoy Secrets - Is the Man You’re Seeing Worth Your Time?” Mini-Course.

Miks Ozolins, dating coach and filmmaker

