“Report” and the Milan investigation

The transmission Report on Rai 3 (Italy), has investigated Yonghong Li and the origin of the Chinese money [Source]and has raised suspicions of money laundering, all linked to the figure of Silvio Berlusconi. The service opens with the reconstruction of the pre-closing events and continues with the images of the journalists in the Chinese office of Li, which deals with phosphorus mines: “we note an abandoned room with garbage bags full of worms.” Later Report shows a scheme of the money with which Milan was taken and explains that most of them derive from tax havens.

At the top of the list also two Neapolitan financiers who took care of the relationship with Elliott. Gianluca D’Avanzo and Salvatore Cerchione, a manager based in London and whose names were made for the possible CDA of AC Milan. Their partner is Giuseppe Cipriani, a friend of Nicole Minetti, in politics with Berlusconi.

Yesterday I was watching “The Report”, although I knew most of the things they said, it was scary to see all the pieces of the puzzle put

