Success Perm!

2 min readFeb 13, 2015


After hitting my goal, I’ve spent a few days considering what the next goal should be. I considered setting arbitrary goals where I increased my total % by increments of 5 (i.e. 10%, 15%, 20% and so on) but the notion didn’t agree with me.

After some consideration I’ve come up with a plan that makes sense, I think.

From the beginning, I found the 3 day wait for funds to clear a weakness on the part of Robinhood. All major brokerages offer instant clearing houses that allow for instant buys and sells. But a weakness is only a weakness in how you perceive it.

The 3 days will allow me to read market news, digest the information and continue to watch companies and observe buy opportunities. The extra time will also allow me to build an emotional stamina towards the fluctuations.

For example, when I exited BBEP the first time, I wanted to desperately buy back when the stock dipped to roughly $7.70 that same day. The 3 days gave me time to continue to watch the stock, read the news and determine that BBEP would dip back near where I first purchased. Full disclosure, I did purchase BBEP again at $7.15/share yesterday.

Ok, back to the plan.

When I hit $2400, 20% above my initial capital investment, I plan to add $2000 to my Robinhood account. From there I hope to earn 10% at the current balance, ~$4400.

Essentially each time I achieve my 10% growth goal I’ll inject $2000 and set the next goal.

Why do this? Why not just add as much money as you can tolerate from the get go?

Simple, 3 days. Each time I add new funds, I have to wait the mandatory 3 days for the funds to clear. This will allow me to do exactly as I described earlier.

That’s it! The plan.

Today’s total has exceeded 16%. Once I hit 20%, I will add $2000.

