Don’t waste time! 5 Simple steps to figure out what to DO with your career - used even by NASA

The Aha Moment
12 min readSep 1, 2018

Doctors forecasted that I will die at birth along with my mom due to a condition she had. Since then I’ve been 1 inch away from death 2 other times and I always wondered why did I get a second and third chance… and as you imagine, my “mid-life crisis” came a lot earlier — at 19!

17th February 2013. I remember like it was yesterday because that’s the day I got fired from my first office job. I ‘ve been in that company in London for only 1 month. There and then, I decided to create the perfect revenge for my employer and for myself. Although it took me 5 years I finally discovered a new way to help people clarify what to do with their lives.

“I’ve never seen any life transformation that didn’t begin with the person in question finally getting tired of their own bullshit” — Elizabeth Gilbert

Since I’ve been fired, I’ve worked in all types of jobs and companies from being a waiter in small restaurants to having a “decent” but boring job in an office, and now…



The Aha Moment

Many 20 and 30-year-olds want to change careers but are concerned (no idea what to do or how to get there). We help them find work they love smarter and easier.