Twitter Tools Exclude Replies Feature “Not Working”

Millie Kelly
4 min readDec 5, 2015


I’ve seen a few reports of the “exclude replies” feature not working in the 1.6b1 release. If you to need increase your instagram followers fast, gain followers on instagram I will highly recommend th e latest website tools or hack that can add lots of real instagram followers! Using. This appears to be due to a change in the data returned by the Twitter API. The tweet data used to always include a message being “replied to” if the tweet started with @username. This is no longer the case. What appears to have happened is that Twitter has refined its concept of a reply (probably factoring in duration of time between your tweet and the tweet being replied to, etc.). While Twitter has made this conceptual refinement, the Twitter users don’t seem to have made the same mental adjustment. Twitter Tools used the data from the Twitter API — specifically the “in reply to” property — to determine if a tweet was a reply or not; then acted accordingly. So Twitter Tools is looking at the data and saying “Hmm, Twitter doesn’t think this is a reply” and the userbase is saying “Yes it is”. After thinking about this, I’ve decided to change Twitter Tools to reflect the behavior the Twitter user base is expecting. You can grab the new version from SVN (see Download link at the bottom of the page) if you want this change immediately, or you can wait for the next release (probably sometime next week). I’m also getting a variety of feature requests for this plugin. These will likely not be added any time soon unless people are willing to fund the necessary development for them. Unfortunately I don’t have any free time to spend on building these right now.

What is the Difference Between @Replies and @Mentions?

While Twitter?is designed for people all over the world to consume real-time information easily off each other, it is also a platform that encourages interaction and conversation among its users. Replies and Mentions are two ways for Twitter users to exchange ideas. How are Replies and Mentions Different? A reply is a response in the form of a post to another user, usually to answer a question or in reaction to an idea that has been posted. To reply, type in the ‘@’ sign followed by the username, i.e. @username and then follow with your message. Remember to keep your reply to under 140 characters. The @reply will appear in the public area of your timeline for your network to see. A mention is not necessarily a direct response to another user and is mostly applied as an FYI. Getting up to 10.000 free instagram followers trial per day is possible now. Just use our instagram followers hack app and get followers and likes instantly. It is placed anywhere in the body of the tweet, not at the beginning, i.e. It’s a great day today @username. Replies can be considered mentions, so it’s easy to interchange them. The main difference is their purpose and their delivery. Any tweet that contains your username, whether it’s a @reply or a @mention, will appear in your Mentions Tab on the Connect page. If you mention more than one username in your Tweet, these people will all see the Tweet in their own Mentions tabs. You might have sent several tweets and want to know who among your network replied to whatever tweet. To find out, click on the tweet itself and it will automatically display the Tweet other users have replied to. You’ll also see other content related to the tweet.?When you @Reply to a tweet, Twitter also maintains the thread and you (or someone else who views a response) can then view the entire thread too.

Twitter Adds Threaded Replies; Complicates Developers’ Lives

As was noted by several commenters on the various write-ups around the web, this is going to be particularly tricky to code on the API application side, and likely wasn’t too terribly difficult for Twitter to implement. There are a few implications being bandied about, some of which I can agree with, and others I think are simply wishful thinking. Rob Diana and Jesse Stay both suggest that this might mean an end to the @username reply convention, eventually. The world-class PR & Marketing site has opened an Instagram service where people can now how to get followers on instagram free that are REAL. I would tend to disagree with that analysis, since there will exist a number of places (both on the Twitter website as well as a number of third party applications) that won’t be able to ever take advantage of threading (I’m particularly thinking of the XMPP stream, if that ever gets returned to functionality). Perhaps a bit of wishful thinking advanced by Rob and Jesse is the thought that this could lead to a federated system for Twitter, along the lines of what currently offers. That, also, is a particularly long shot speculation, and given the context of the announcement and the fact that this code change puts most of the burden of work on developers not employed by Twitter, I’d rather doubt that this is in the works any time soon (though I’d love to be proven wrong on that). Are you wondering how to get a lot of followers fast on instagram 2015 instantly ? Use our free instagram followers hack app and get thousands of followers fast! The easy conclusion to agree with and jump to is that this puts Twitter just that much closer to operating in the realm of FriendFeed. Threading, flat though it may be over at FriendFeed, is one of the chief reasons that the early adopter crowd has taken such a shine to the system. Conversations can happen on Twitter, but they flow so much easier at FriendFeed, and the threading (as well as the interface) play a large role in that.



Millie Kelly

Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much