How to win big with a single crypto portfolio:

Millionaire Inu
1 min readJan 17, 2023


Investing into small cap cryptocurrencies is a brilliant way to grow your money when you’re not starting out with a lot of funds. Maybe you just have $20 or $100 or $1,000.

But with the right strategy, you can still turn this into a winning investment portfolio.

There are three key elements to building this kind of crypto investment plan:

· Small investments in a small cap cryptocurrencies can have bigger returns than large investments in a large cap asset

· Tomorrow’s breakout investments is an unknown today

· Successful investments take months or years of holding through difficult times.

The fear of missing out (FOMO) is a major driver behind the hundreds of thousands of Shiba Inu holders who aren’t making any profit. They bought it too late, and some of them sold too soon.

For SHIB to make you a millionaire from buying $100, it would need to swell to around $300 trillion in market cap — i.e. be a hundred times bigger than Apple, the world’s largest stock by market cap. Some holders are waiting for it to get that big, it probably won’t.

But, what about buying $100 $1000 or $20 of a serious project that’s just starting? Your $100 could grow to $10,000 without the token even breaking the crypto top 50 in ranking.

Millionaire Inu and millionaire metaverse offers such an opportunity for growth. Buy a small amount of Millionaire Inu using metamask and hold it in your wallet:



Millionaire Inu

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