Milly Gwen
3 min readMar 30, 2024


Being honest with yourself and recognising these signs early can save you from heartache.

Figuring out if someone’s feelings for you are genuine can be tricky, but it’s important for your happiness and self-respect.

If you’re wondering whether a man is truly in love with you or just using you, here are some signs to look out for:

He’s interested in your life

When a man is really in love, he wants to know everything about you. He asks about your day, your dreams, and your fears. He remembers the little things you tell him and shows interest in your life, not just the moments that are convenient or beneficial to him.

He makes time for you

A man in love makes you a priority. No matter how busy he is, he’ll find time to spend with you. If he’s only around when he needs something or when it’s convenient for him, it might be a sign he’s using you.

He introduces you to friends and family

If he’s serious about you, he’ll be excited to introduce you to his friends and family. This shows he’s proud to be with you and sees a future together. If he keeps your relationship a secret or avoids talking about the future, it’s a red flag.

He supports you

A loving partner supports your ambitions and dreams. He encourages you, stands by you during tough times, and celebrates your successes. If he’s indifferent to your achievements or discourages you, he…



Milly Gwen

I am a writer, Professional Relationship Coach and a football player⚽ 🥰😍 lover of romantic stories, movies👍👍👍🙄🙄😝😍🥰🤩🥳