The Morning Battle: A Mom’s Tale

Sarah Mary
2 min readJun 20, 2024

The alarm clock rings, a cruel, loud beep, I groan and stretch, half-asleep. The bed’s so warm, the world so cold, Five more minutes? I’m feeling bold.

But no, I hear, the pitter-pat of feet, Little voices chirping, “Mom, what’s for breakfast to eat?” The cat’s meowing, the dog wants out, The day’s begun, there’s no doubt.

I pull the covers over my head, Wishing for just one more hour in bed. “Mom! I can’t find my socks! I’m going to be late!” Ah, the joys of motherhood, isn’t it great?

With a sigh, I fling the blankets away, It’s time to face the brand new day. A zombie shuffle to the kitchen I go, Coffee first, that much I know.

The kids are in chaos, the cereal’s all gone, I guess we’re having toast at dawn. The dishwasher’s full, the laundry’s a heap, The cat knocked over the plant — oh, good grief!

A quick glance at the clock, oh no, it’s eight, “Everyone, hurry up, we can’t be late!” Shoes are missing, coats not found, “I swear, I’m living in a circus,” I mumble, profound.

Breakfast is managed, though barely at that, I’m still in pajamas, and where is my hat? Kids off to school, a whirlwind blur, I down my coffee, thoughts all a stir.

Housework awaits, oh what fun, Dishes and vacuuming, it’s never done. A mountain of laundry, a sink full of grime, Who knew cleanliness was a full-time crime?

By noon, I’m ready to wave the white flag, But wait, there’s work too, I can’t…



Sarah Mary

Mom, health enthusiast, and writer. Sharing insights on motherhood, cooking, Current events/news/science, and story's/poems.. On a journey to thrive and grow!