Foundation, Zombies Tv shows — Heavens No!

Mindful Sinister
9 min readOct 25, 2023

I stopped watching Foundation. Why?

Short answer: Because it is a godless show.

Long answer: There is something incredibly powerful and diabolic in sci-fi TV shows that mix people’s races, other made-up human-like beings, religions, beliefs, opinions, work they do, sexual expression, friends they have, food they eat, outward appearance they carry around. Ok, one can say: So what? Don’t we all do that and are that and live like that? Yes, we do. Outwardly. Here on Earth. Now. But here is the thing: futuristic shows carry with them the anticipation of a future world and that is where they fail: they push on us rather chaotic and tyrant picture, with no solid anchor or universally followed set of values. And this is not real. Outwardly it may appear so, because we live in a global society that is made of all kinds of people and beings. But not inwardly. We are not all that we see around us. And we as adults are more or less aware of that. We know that we don’t have to agree with a human looking robot with blue skin, just because it is like that, on the account of diversity and acceptance. We tend to know that seeing someone wearing out-of-this world clothes does not make us equal in what we do and what we choose not to do. Be it fiction or reality. We can express two equally honest and truthful attitudes (though seemingly opposing attitudes) towards the same individual, like these: One attitude that says “That’s ok, if that is who you say you are, go and live like that. Be happy!” and another attitude coming from…



Mindful Sinister

Torontonian. True acceptance is work. On myself only. Helping you awake your better self, one post at the time.