How it feels to finally live your dream…

Sabina Masanabo
3 min readMar 22, 2016


Music wasn’t exactly part of my four year plan. I was going to qualify as a management accountant first, make my parents proud and get my career independence officially. However as I walked past this:

An empty stage being prepared for any artist brave enough to step on it and face the unfamiliar crowd — I couldn’t resit!

Immediately I rushed to add my name to the line up, without the faintest idea of which song I was going to sing.

Moments later as I watched other amazing Pretoria artists slaying it, my palms began sweating.

What the hell was I thinking putting my name on that list? I mean, I wasn’t prepared at all.

Of course I had a couple of songs I had written over the years, but at that moment I could only remember one. There was no turning back, I was already on the list.

Even though I really wanted to chicken out, it was already too late.

The MC called out my name while I was lost in my own world, and my face lit up. For a split second, I froze. Before coming back to my senses. Making my way to the stage for the first time in front of a crowd I hardly knew.

At school I was always comforted by the knowledge that my friends were there. Plus, my brother and his friends would always cheer me on, even when I totally sucked!

Introduce yourself first, I thought to myself. Talk to the crowd and make them your friends first. However, after my greeting the MC told me to get on with my performance as time was limited.

There goes my master plan. Now I had to transfer all that I was feeling into the lyrics of my song and forget the rest.

♪ No one can do it like you do. Do. do…do…doo. No one can do it like you… do…do ♪

I was doing it. As I was singing, the thought dawned on me. Here I was, living my dream. Feeling more alive as I did in ages. Why did I ever stop?

Naturally the crowd loved me enough and began clapping to my song. MY SONG WAS GREAT! I was over joyed. As I hit the final note I heard cheers, whistles, and loud screams. The applause was unbelievable.

From that moment on I knew where my heart truly belonged. Among the people and on the stage.

In the words of J.Cole’s Intro (Forest Hills Drive album)

They say that dreams come true
And when they do, that there’s a beautiful thing

I rest my case.

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Sabina Masanabo

The best things in life are often forgotten. It’s about time we remember…