MinedBlock — Introduction

2 min readOct 12, 2018


Crypto mining is out of reach for many people, the costs of equipment, electricity, and even the complexity are often too much of a challenge but the desire to mine, the simple need to produce your own crypto is too appealing for a lot to ignore.

Sure, these cryptofans could simply hop onto one of the many cloud mining websites, buy some hashrate and wait for their riches to appear in their wallets but is it really that simple. Many will see a 1 T/h contract and be instantly lost. 1 tera-hash, that sounds pretty good I mean there’s ‘tera’ in the name. Imagine the disgust when you get to the end of your 5 year contract with $92* profit in your pocket. Was it worth it?

This is where we come in, MinedBlock will be a community driven managed mining service.

What do we mean by ‘Community Driven’?

When our service is live all customers will have access to a dashboard where they can suggest and vote on the direct the future expansion of the project. Should we add new coins? Should we expand the Bitcoin or Ethereum Mining efforts? Or perhaps we should use expansion funds to set up staking wallets and master nodes to earn transaction fees? All of those kind of decisions will be left to our customers to make.

How are we different?

You don’t buy a hash rate with us, you don’t rent equipment in fact all you have to do is buy and hold our tokens and register with us when we go live.

We will manage and maintain the mining equipment and make sure it’s always competitive. You will earn revenue on the percentage of tokens that you own it really is as simple as that. 1 terahash of mining power will be useless in 12 months time, 0.25% of our total supply will generate a lot more and won’t expire or become useless.

So will my $285 give a better return over than 5 years than $92?

If we work with current prices to keep the comparison the same as in the above example, and depending at which stage of our ICO you bought in. I’ve used an average cost of $0.066 per token. $285 would buy you 4,275 MBTX which would generate a $10 a month return. Over the 5 years to keep the comparison the same that’s that $600 back over the 5 year period. A whopping 600% more return than the leading cloud mining provider.

There are a lot of variables that we haven’t taken into account here. If you spent $285 in our pre-sale you’d have 4x as many tokens. The monthly revenue will increase as we grow the mining service and reduce the total supply and so on…

What now?

If you haven’t already, check out or website, have a read of the whitepaper and join our Telegram group if you have any questions.

*based on prices as of today (12th October 2018)




This is the official blog of the MinedBlock Mining project