Full Moon Sh*t List…

Minnie’s Magick
2 min readJun 3, 2019


If you want to take Full advantage of the Full Moon I wanted to share a little trick I use to focus on letting sh*t go. Actually, friend of mine who is a bit skeptical around the subjects of moons and magic, just asked me what he should do on a full moon! Maybe it was a joke, but he gave me the inspiration to write about one of my favorite full moon magic tricks!

The burning of the sh*t list…maybe not the most creative title, but it works to get my point across. The full moon is always about closure and endings, bringing things full circle from our lifetime or just the previous 30 or so days!

The full moon energy is most potent 3 days prior or after the full moon. But the closer to the actual day the better, so tonight or tomorrow night, sit down, light a few candles, maybe grab a glass of wine and then most importantly a pen and paper. You can put on some nice music, but create some peace and quiet, so you can focus. Now, write your sh*t list :)

For example on the list;

I am done with not being on my path in life
I am through with attracting in toxic partners
I release the need for control in all aspects of my life
I am finished judging myself so harshly

Write as much as you want and purge everything you are ready to release in other words get rid of all the sh*t in and on your mind….

When you’re done…go outside under the full moon and burn the paper.

(Please take all necessary precautions!)

While the paper burns say….

As this paper burns so will all the sh*t on this list disintegrate from my life…I give thanks to the goddess, gods, guides and angels for the wonderful things they will bring into my life. I send love and light to my spirit and gratitude for the ability to release all my shit!

…and that’s it…you’re done!

May your sh*t go up in flames!



Minnie’s Magick

A rescue pup or sacred guide dog for your spirit — join my pack and find out!