How to see your future…

Minnie’s Magick
5 min readJul 7, 2019

You are now one year in the future in your minds eye — first you look at your feet…what shoes are you wearing one year from today?

Are you sitting, standing or lying down one year from today in this very moment?

You look around and notice where you are. The angel takes you to the place where you work one year from today…

where do you work one year from today?

What type of work do you do? Who are your co-workers if any — one year from today? Who are your clients? what do you notice about this place where you work? How do you feel about your work? What has changed in the past year with your work? What new projects are you working on? Artistic? Creative? — what are they like? In general, what do you enjoy most about your work one year from today?

How are your finances one year from today? How have your finances changed over the last year? Your angels will allow you to notice details in where you are working one year from today..the people, the furniture and other equipment that will support you in your life’s work one year from today.

The angels then transport you to the place you live one year from today. As you enter the home you see and feel many details about your surroundings. Where do you live one year from today? Who else lives there with you? How has your home life changed during the past year?

How have your relationships changed over the past year? Is there anyone new in your life? Notice any details about this person or persons? What does your angel tell you about your relationships? Does your angel have any specific messages or guidance? How has your relationship with yourself shifted in the last year?

How is your weight? How is your health one year from today? What changes have you made in how you treat your body one year from today? Are you exercising more or eating differently one year from today?

Are you incorporating more fun and play into your days?

How have your spiritual practices evolved over the last year — as in meditation — Have you gone on any journeys over the past year? Have you been involved in any projects or learning experiences?

What excited you most during the past year?

Your angel now shows you more details about your life in a year. Take a deep breath and ask your angel anything you like? Any questions you may have? Anything. Easily noticing the answers that come to you in thoughts, words, visions, voices, impressions — even a voice that sounds just like your own. Easily receiving answers and feeling your heart experiencing great warmth and gratitude for this beautiful exchange with your angel and your life you are co-creating right now.

Seeing and feeling this life a year from now. Feeling totally fulfilled as you work on personally, meaningful and great projects.

Feeling completely financially and emotionally secure and planted in your life’s mission — healthy, fit and perfect energy levels.

Seeing and feeling yourself manifesting anything else you desire — anything else that you desire — -

Seeing your created and artistic projects completed and totally successful —

Seeing and feeling yourself totally and completely in love in a romantic soul mate relationship — feeling renewed and secure. Feeling so safe, so good to allow yourself to give and receive love with your soul mate and having time with your beloved one, looking into one another’s eyes, holding one another, smiling, kissing, laughing, walking hand in hand — so safe wonderful, loving and in harmony.

You know you deserve this level of happiness and you know it safe for you to feel all of this. You deserve this and will allow yourself to RECEIVE NOW — NOW — NOW — -all these feelings create a warm feeling in your chest…welling up with gratitude, so Happy — meaningful — harmonious and

Free of the illusion of problems you have experienced in the past. because problems are just that an illusion — a dream from which you have awoken.

So grateful that in Truth everything around you is glorious in your life and in everyone's life —

As your heart and chest swell with warmth and gratitude you breathe in the love around you. You can sense this breath as it congratulates you and joins you in your excitement and with a deeper breath it becomes a bright light of a bubble.

This bubble contains the movie of your life showing you supported and happy at its highest level.

Fearless and guided accurately at every turn.

Totally filled with light, the bubble moves slowly down your chest and down and down towards your belly and hovers by your belly button — the bubble moves through your navel and then it gets born through your navel and angels catch the bubble with this totally fulfilled life inside of it.

The angels bring the bubble to be manifest.

You feel excitement bursting in your belly. You are so excited. It is definitely happening. Your new life is birthed right now and you are experiencing it right this minute. You and your angel jump and danced around in excitement of this new life. You see a giant movie screen showing scenes from your new life. You and your angel hug because you did it!!!! You did it. You allowed yourself to manifest your life’s purpose completely and perfectly. You did it. Angel congratulates you in making the decision to make this choice for this fearless life on your path.

She counsels you to be aware of guidance, impressions, dreams, patterns voices, sounds, music, feelings, emotions and intuition that come to you in the coming moments. Write them down if possible — if doubts come up ask your angels to release you from the bondage of fear.

If you wonder what the signs and guidance mean — ask the angels to clearly explain any guidance. If you feel stuck, ask your angel to nudge you. If you feel afraid, call upon your angel to lift you up above your fear. Give yourself a big hug and affirm your self love.



Minnie’s Magick

A rescue pup or sacred guide dog for your spirit — join my pack and find out!