Our Equity Crowdfunding Campaign is Live!

3 min readApr 25, 2018


By Courtney Hooton, Director of Communications and Corporate Alliances, MintHealth

In case you missed it, we launched our regulation Crowdfunding (“Reg CF”) offering last week via the StartEngine platform. Not familiar? A Reg CF allows startups to raise up to $1 million annually from small-dollar investors through a web-based funding platform.

This type of raise is not new. In fact, equity crowdfunding is turning 2 years old on May 16th. Since 2016, hundreds of companies have filed offering documents with the SEC to fundraise on securities-based crowdfunding platforms.

Wait, didn’t MintHealth just announce a Reg D 506(c) offering? Why, yes, we did. However, a Reg D raise is only open to accredited investors and we don’t want to limit ourselves to the 1% of the uber wealthy. With a CF, we are empowering as many people as possible to fairly participate while ensuring compliance, transparency, and well-defined value to our stakeholders.

CEO Dr. Samir Damani on the ICO 2.0 stage

Last Friday, we pitched our Security token offering to 1000+ attendees (one of the biggest ICO events Los Angeles has ever seen) at StartEngine ICO 2.0 Summit. MintHealth CEO Dr. Samir Damani gave a compelling overview of the company and why our model was essential in the new Healthcare Blockchain landscape. A common theme throughout the program was the importance of creating offerings that are SEC compliant, so they have the longevity and ability to survive the evolving-regulatory environment. Our novel, dual-token structure was well received for this reason, and created excitement around security tokens being the next frontier. The crowd was also excited about our patient engagement model and attendees related their own experiences to the problems we’re solving.

Our company’s vision is to be Proof of Health on the Blockchain by creating an incentivized approach that aligns healthcare stakeholders around the shared goal of patient empowerment and improved clinical outcomes, at lower costs. Whether you are a healthcare payer or provider, a medical device company or a consumer in our community: everyone will be rewarded through our dual-token structure.

I caught up with MintHealth’s CSO Jerry Gross for his perspective on our Online Public Offering (OPO).

Why is MintHealth holding a Reg CF?

Regulation Crowdfunding is an exciting approach for MintHealth to offer non-accredited investors the opportunity to support the growth of a visionary product, as well as participate in transforming Healthcare. Created from Title III of President Obama’s 2012 Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act, Regulation CF provides access to alternative investments such as MintHealth through online equity crowdfunding.

Why is MintHealth working with StartEngine? Why is the platform/approach interesting?

We partnered with StartEngine in this SEC-compliant Reg CF Title III funding round because it’s one of the top platforms. StartEngine helps startups issue securities through crowdfunding and ICOs, utilizing exemptions from registration under the Securities Act. To date, StartEngine has launched more than 150 capital raises. Companies can sell securities and investors can trade them all on one platform.

What will the CF money be used for?

We see crowdfunding as a viable method to raise funds in order to expand our business operations. MintHealth is focused on launching pilot programs with our strategic partners in 2018. We anticipate the majority of funds raised will be devoted to Platform Engineering and Integration of core technologies from our Foundational Partners.

Why is MintHealth also pursuing a Reg D?

MintHealth is pursuing a Reg D offering because it allows us to execute rapidly while avoiding the typical costs associated with a public offering.

Go to https://www.startengine.com/minthealth to find out more.

This blog post does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any of the securities in the United States. The securities have not been and will not be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “U.S. Securities Act”) or any state securities laws and may not be offered or sold within the United States or to U.S. Persons unless registered under the U.S. Securities Act and applicable state securities laws or an exemption from such registration is available. Clickhere to view the full MintHealth disclaimer, which holds true for this post.




A global decentralized health platform that empowers patients with a self-sovereign health identity and aligns patients, providers, and payers to battle disease