Miriam Linderman
1 min readOct 16, 2015


What a powerful article. You are always a surprising surprise. I’d like to read more from you.

What you’ve written resonates.

Oh how we torment ourselves with how we birth our babies — or don’t. I’m just glad my daughter got out! I was terrified. I thought I’d killed her. Oh the shame and blame. The not-good-enough-ness. How cruel I was toward myself when I only had my young brain to work with. You’d think I’d done something abominable all because of a bicornuate uterus - and no one knew until the C-Section.

What then is it like to live ‘making our way in the world attending to this vast and complex ‘other brain’?’ What if we treated that relationship gently, with curiosity, coaxed it into conversation with us? What might a gentle invitation to engage create?

For me it’s been about being comfortable over time to let go of the past, the associations, and being willing to be present without judgment. Maybe it’s about healing or being far enough away from the damage. Who hasn’t been traumatized around sexuality, male and female alike? I like to think about you question as stepping into a new relationship with myself and being as present as possible in the moment, with all that shows up — and not making it good, bad or anything. Noticing. Curious. Open to possibilities.

How would you do life from that place, attending? What would be different? I’ll be curious to know.



Miriam Linderman

Miriam is a leadership coach who helps professional women find deep confidence, gentle power and wise courage as leaders in their work and lives.