Masculinism: A stand for equality

Mirumo De Pon
6 min readJul 26, 2016


When I entered college, my classmates would always call me “ungentleman man.” Being one of the 3 boys in a class of 47, they expected me to be gentleman. They expected me to help them in carrying their things, open doors for them, offer them seats, be on the danger side when walking on streets and other chivalrous stuff. Unfortunately, I did none of those. I came from an all-boys school and being gentleman was not a practice at home. So how on Earth can you expect me to be a gentleman???

I remember one time on my way home, I was with my classmate riding in front of the jeep. When we reached our destination, I went down first and went straight walking expecting her to follow but she didn’t! She called me back and asked to help her. I ignored her and I said “bilisan mo” (Hurry up) Guess what? I was the class’ headline the next day. The news even reached my professor whom I admire. And, I felt really embarrassed.

That is just one of the scene that ignites my feeling of that there is a need for Masculism. (since there is feminism) I think the Filipino society still expects a lot from males. Especially the concept of being gentleman. Whereas the females have already changed the things expected from them. We can see a lot of females doing things that only a man used to do. The females showed that they are independent and strong BUT their concept of “gentleman” negates this. It shows that they need a man for every day, for example, a guy carrying a woman’s purse. Another in the train, the girls go to the male side because they know that the guys will offer them seat. If you’re independent, I think you can carry your own purse and can stand in the train and not expecting to get a seat. I was scanning my FB wall until I saw an album which contains my issue about females. I was able to save the pictures but I forgot the source but according to the pictures its from Maggcom. (so whoever made it, sorry if I will post the pictures here without your permission.) They used “Mancriminate” as the term for the discrimination for males.

This is like my examples above.

I dont quite get this since I haven’t tried inviting girls for sex. But in my experience, whenever I ask some girls about sex or about the female body (menstruation, boobs, how are they feeling when masturbating, etc.) They will call me “malibog”, a Filipino word for pervert. Whereas if they will ask me some questions about it and I will say that they are malibog. They said that “di lang lalake malibog no” (“it is not only boys who can be pervert, you know”) It is offending because my questions were just out of curiosity yet I was labeled as pervert. Then when they ask same kind of questions, they justified it by pointing on males.

If a person losses a job, his/her gender is not the reason and losing a job does not make you a loser. It makes you stronger and teaches you a lesson. Whatever was the reason that you got fired should not be repeated again. Here in the Philippines, there is a term “houseband.” Derived from the word house and husband. It means that the husband has no job, stays at home and does the house chores while the wife works. Currently, housebands are not accepted and are being criticized by people especially the elders. For them the males should work and be the provider of the family. They said that housebands are just “nagpapalaki ng bayag” (“growing their balls”)

“It’s a MAN’S World” I used to hear this to people because they said that men benefit more that women. This is indeed bullshit. Because just like the slogan, I don’t get free drinks, I don’t get free entry, I don’t get sympathy, I don’t receive a diamond ring on marriage proposals, I don’t get a seat in the train, I don’t have a separate part of a train, there are no scholarship just because I am male.

I think this one happens during divorce which is not applicable; there is no divorce in the Philippines.

This is one of my favorite! How come there are laws about battered wife and there no laws about battered husbands? We all know that scientifically, men are stronger than women. But do you know that women can physically hurt males too? If the husband loves his wife too much, probably he wont retaliate when her wife slaps him or kick him on his balls. If a married couple ended hurting each other, the wife can sue the husband with numerous cases and there is even called a women’s desk and VOWC — Violence against Women and Children, while the husband can only sue the wife for physical injury, i guess. And there is no men’s desk. Also, due to women’s power of being expressive, I think their partners are abused emotionally. The foul words they use are just really abusing and degrading to a person. (Trust me, i am a witness)

How come guys can’t use heels? even if it was created for us centuries ago. If a guy wears a heel, he is labeled gay right away.

This one is funny. hahahaha. But it is true. Women label dick sizes but men do not label pussy even if its hole is big and the guys can’t feel it anymore. lol. But guys sizes up boobs. So I guess it is a quit for this one.

I would like to highlight on the “Women only TRAIN.” It jsut really pisses me. I ride the train everyday to get to school. From what I have noticed, the women part of the train is always not crowded compared to common part of the train YET a lot of women are in that part of the train. I don’t get it why do they have to go to that part considering it is more comfortable on women part of the train. Base from observation, They use the common part of the train because they get a seat because some guy offers them. Which sucks because they are taking advantage of it. And when they don’t get a seat, they will rant that gentleman are now extinct. (annoying. ugh)

So much for my rants and hatred. haha. My point here is I hope that us males can escape this social expectations. I hope gender can be fluid soon!

(Made this few years ago and was saved as draft)



Mirumo De Pon

Just some opinions and rants from a bisexual college student who loves drinking coffee while silently observing and critiquing everyone he sees.