“Make Japan Great Again” #9_Bibliography

A Philanthropic Scholarship Program and Transnational Youths’ Yaritaikoto for “Social Good”

Misaki Funada 👋
7 min readMay 31, 2022

This is an excerpt from my 81-page anthropology thesis titled “‘Make Japan Great Again’: An Emerging Class of Transnational Youths and Their Yaritaikoto for ‘Social Good’.”

<Table of Contents>

  1. Abstract
  2. “What Do You Want to Do for ‘Social Good’?” (Introduction)
  3. Collaborative Methodology (Research Methods)
  4. Brief History of Japanese Political Economy (Historical Background)
  5. The Extremely Vague Approach to “Social Good” (Data Analysis #1)
  6. The Disparity between the Foundation and Scholars (Data Analysis #2)
  7. “What is Your Version of ‘Social Good’?” (Conclusion)
  8. Recommendations to the Yanai Community (Appendix)
  9. Bibliography

9. Bibliography

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Misaki Funada 👋

Product & Community Designer | Self-Taught UXer | EdTech, CareerTech, Nonprofit Startups