The Index Pages, the Key and a Future Log Idea for your bullet journal
A reset in your bullet journal
If you are starting a bullet journal, the first proper pages you’ll keep are your Index pages and then your Key.
If you are following the bullet journal system or you want to reset your journal, at some point, you might want to make a Future Log.
The Index Pages
At the beginning of your bullet journal, you should leave a couple of pages for the purpose of an Index. As you make further headway into your bullet journal, you will copy out the titles of your pages on to these index pages and include the relevant page numbers.
The Key
The key in the bullet journal system includes:
You can cutomise your key to suit your needs. If you have to record a certain type of information that you know is going to crop up time and time again, you could create a symbol for it and add that to your key.
A Future Log Idea
The Future Log is for you to get an overview of your coming months. You can set…