The Rolling Weekly — How I used to set up my Weekly Overview

An idea for your weekly tasks — The Rolling Weekly

Miss Khalifah
3 min readOct 19, 2023

When I was properly bullet journalling, I turned to the Rolling Weekly to get an overview of my tasks for the week. I first heard about it from one of Claudia Spaurel’s videos on bullet journalling.

I have linked her YouTube channel below so that you can explore her videos on bullet journalling, though she also posts about other topics.

The Rolling Weekly works when you have the dates and days of the week written horizontally at the top of your page, and then you write your tasks for the week on the side- so not directly below the days/dates.

To tie a task to a specific day/date, you follow along the line that you have written the task, and then put a dot under the relevant day/date- so this is on the same line as the task.

On each day, you will view the column of dots for that day and see which tasks are next to those dots. This is how you know what you have going on on each specific day.

You can also schedule a task for multiple days. On the line that you have noted down the task, simply put more dots under the next days of that week.

See my Rolling Weekly pictures below for examples…

A Rolling Weekly example from my bullet journal — within April 2023
Another rolling weekly example from my bullet journal — within May 2023

If you are wondering whether you can use more or less than a page for one week — you absolutely can. If you did not have many tasks for one week, you can use the rest of the page to set up the next week. If you had many tasks for one week (more than a page’s worth), then you can simply continue on to the next page. My idea would be to write the remaining days/dates of the week at the top of the next page.

See below for a couple more examples…

July 2023 — Rolling Weekly Tasks from my bullet journal
July 2023 — one of my rolling weekly pages

Now, if the month ends a few days after this week- or we can say, a few days into next week- then technically, some of your tasks for the first few days of the next month will be written down before your next monthly page. You don’t have to do it this way of course.

You can always end your current weekly log on the day that the month is ending, and then after your monthly page, you create a weekly log that is only for the remainder of the week.

I hope that this post has given you an idea about how you can view all of your weekly tasks on one page or two pages and have them connected to which day/s you want to complete them.

I did like using the rolling weekly myself. I may go back to it one day, but we’ll see. At the moment, I am in between planning systems, but still taking time to note things down in a somewhat organised manner. Stay tuned if you want to know more.

I will be posting about weekly ideas for a bullet journal, what I am doing currently and other topics.

Thank you.

