Tiny Fae

Scarlet Lee Winters
2 min readNov 9, 2022

Tahti rested on a bright orange petal. The tiny fae was exhausted from flitting about the entire day, pollinating the forest. She looked back at her translucent wings. She was not injured, though she felt as if that were possible. She flapped her wings. They were in pain, but healthy. Abruptly, sleep overcame her.

Tahti was awakened by strong vibrations. Panicked, she surveyed her surroundings. A bee had sat on the same flower where she was asleep. Then, something amazing happened. The vibrations of the bee’s buzzing excited her. Tahti whimpered. Her fingers drifted downward. While her body shook, she touched herself. Her fingers moved along her clitoris fervently. Her fluids plashed. Quiet, quick whimpers invited the bee closer.

A glimpse over her shoulder gave her pause, The fuzzy bee had a stinger, and instead of antenna it had two small, white horns. Before she could react to the strange anatomy of the creature, she felt it inside her. Tahiti blushed. She was already dripping with desire. She stopped masturbating. Instead, she kept her balance on all fours while the strange creature penetrated her and vibrated.

Her eyes rolled back continuously. It took her only seconds to cum. Satiated and in a carnal stupor she remained on all fours for her partner. The phallic shaft moved in and out while vibrating. Her wetness easily allowed the creature to continue delighting himself. The vibrations kept Tahti satiated and aroused simultaneously. She screamed and screamed as her arousal pooled around the creature’s cock. Her pussy spasmed. It continued its rhythmic thrusts, gently nuzzling the tiny fae from behind. A short while into her dumbfounded pleasure, she felt the warm, sticky deluge of the creature’s fluids. Tahiti collapsed, exhausted and completely sexually satisfied. Before she could call out to the horned creature, it flew off into the horizon.



Scarlet Lee Winters

Writer of fantasy meets erotica. Monsters, horror, and things that interest me.