Universal Basic Income Now

Scarlet Lee Winters
2 min readApr 22, 2024


I am sick and tired of seeing mutual aid posts.

I’m not saying I don’t want to see them. I will always repost them when I see them. If I had spare money I would contribute.

But I am tired for my fellow human beings who are forced to plead for help to pay basic bills.

This is a call for a universal basic income for people 18+ and emancipated minors. If you want people to be better off, if you actually give a fuck about the wellbeing of others, you should want this. For the “fuck no, it’s a handout!” crowd, let them opt out of it. Let people opt out of anything they don’t want to be part of regarding this program. A universal basic income needs to be implemented. People should not be struggling to pay their bills for any reason.

I have a lot of related opinions to this:

· Housing should not be a commodity.

· Universal health care is long overdue.

· The American dream being forced onto us our entire lives so we go to college to get a decent paying job being forced to go into debt to have a good future then being thrust into an economy that only benefits millionaires should be rectified.

· Predatory interest rates need to be abolished.

If you care about people at all, they should come first, and that means above profits.

Countries that have it are better off with happier and healthier populations. In areas where stipends for the poor have been put into effect have benefitted the families in the long run. The evidence is there so no need to call for studies or test cases. Ask families who received a stipend when stay at home orders were in effect how much that helped them — yes because most were making minimum wage IF that much and the stipend was for more than they’d earn in a month.

You think people don’t want to work anymore? Then why aren’t Indeed, Monster and related sites gone? Why are people still enrolling in universities and technical schools?

People want to be paid enough money so that they can afford housing, food, medical costs, clothing, toiletries, childcare, vehicle maintenance and have enough left over that they can save up for retirement, vacations, or emergency costs. The fact that people working 40+ hours a week cannot afford this should be criminal.

The USA needs this. People need this.

UBI should be common sense and common place. Implement it now.



Scarlet Lee Winters
Scarlet Lee Winters

Written by Scarlet Lee Winters

Writer of fantasy meets erotica. Monsters, horror, and things that interest me.

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