Missouri Democrats Relaunch #20KPerDay Special Session Digital Campaign

Missouri Democratic Party
2 min readJun 12, 2017


Round 2 of Targeted Digital Campaign Will Highlight that Eric Greitens is Paying Jefferson City Lawmakers #20KPerDay in Overtime for Each Day of the Special Session

As the Kansas City Star Editorial Board is calling out Governor Eric Greitens for wasting “time and money with another special session,” the Missouri Democratic Party is today relaunching the #20KPerDay special session digital campaign to highlight how the failed leadership of Greitens and his inability to work with the Republican-controlled legislature during session is costing taxpayers now that Greitens is paying lawmakers overtime bonuses.

In particular, the digital campaign is revealing that the very same lawmakers, who Eric Greitens has been theatrically criticizing, are receiving overtime checks that are costing taxpayers #20KPerDay of the special session. That figure includes the sum of all the $104 per diem payments lawmakers are receiving. The digital campaign is targeting key counties throughout the special session.

Missouri Democratic Party Chair Stephen Webber stated:

“Despite all of his political theatrics, politicians in Jefferson City can thank Eric Greitens for another overtime check on the taxpayers’ dime.”

In an editorial yesterday, the Kansas City Star Editorial Board wrote:

“This special session isn’t extraordinary at all, but another example of Greitens’ political ambitions driving his decisions.”

The Missouri Democratic Party previously announced the #20KPerDay digital campaign when Eric Greitens cost taxpayers with his first special legislative session.

